jquery Programming Glossary: helper
Two jQuery versions on the same page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1117463/two-jquery-versions-on-the-same-page accessed with ... . Alternatively somebody made a little helper in an attempt to make it easier to switch between different..
Getting Zend_Navigation menu to work with jQuery's Fisheye http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1243697/getting-zend-navigation-menu-to-work-with-jquerys-fisheye icon and a span for the tooltip . The standard Menu view helper renders everything inside an unordered list logically with the.. of a elements. I was thinking about writing a custom view helper for the dock which would be able to take care of inserting the.. span but I'm having a very hard time getting a custom view helper attached to the Navigation class. I just can't figure out where..
Access outside variable in loop from Javascript closure http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1331769/access-outside-variable-in-loop-from-javascript-closure A side note I see that you have jQuery here. It has a helper function .each that can be used with arrays and can be a shortcut..
Looking for a JQuery plug-in similar to Accordian, but that allows multiple sections open at once http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1628006/looking-for-a-jquery-plug-in-similar-to-accordian-but-that-allows-multiple-sect function #accordion .addClass ui accordion ui widget ui helper reset ui accordion icons .find h3 .addClass ui accordion header.. accordion icons .find h3 .addClass ui accordion header ui helper reset ui state default ui corner top ui corner bottom .prepend.. return false .next .addClass ui accordion content ui helper reset ui widget content ui corner bottom .hide script share..
Accessing functions bound to event handlers with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2388030/accessing-functions-bound-to-event-handlers-with-jquery on a DOM object using .bind or one of the event handler helper functions. jQuery have to store this internally somehow and..
Generate XML document in-memory with JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3191179/generate-xml-document-in-memory-with-javascript XML here are some ideas on how you might do it Simple helper function creates a new element from a name so you don't have.. ' name ' .text 'Alice' add 'grade' element using our helper newStudent.append .createElement 'grade' .text '80' add 'Alice'..
Can't get correct return value from an jQuery Ajax call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3537434/cant-get-correct-return-value-from-an-jquery-ajax-call test function data Handle your JSON data in here or call a helper function that can handle it handleMyJSON data your helper function..
How can jQuery deferred be used? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4869609/how-can-jquery-deferred-be-used of the code. Another real world example using the .when helper .when .getJSON ' some data ' .get 'template.tpl' .then function..
What are some empirical technical reasons not to use jQuery? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5099949/what-are-some-empirical-technical-reasons-not-to-use-jquery long and that ignore tools like jQuery or other equivalent helper frameworks and refuse to use them. I am not talking about JavaScript..
How to draw a line between draggable and droppable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/536676/how-to-draw-a-line-between-draggable-and-droppable div .droppable .droppable hoverClass 'ui state hover' helper 'clone' cursor 'move' drop function event ui this .addClass..
clone node on drag http://stackoverflow.com/questions/623703/clone-node-on-drag the standard ui draggable and droppable. i know about the helper clone option. but that does not create a copy. the dragged item.. example document .ready function .objectDrag .draggable helper 'clone' #garbageCollector .droppable accept .objectDrag drop..
Listening for Youtube Event in JavaScript or jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7988476/listening-for-youtube-event-in-javascript-or-jquery existing frames . To improve the usage I have created some helper functions. Have a look at the code comments below and the demo..
Uploading Image to Amazon s3 with HTML, javascript & jQuery with Ajax Request (No PHP) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11240127/uploading-image-to-amazon-s3-with-html-javascript-jquery-with-ajax-request-n ' true MUST BE LAST LINE BEFORE YOU SEND xhr.send fd Helper functions function uploadProgress evt if evt.lengthComputable..
Fancybox Imagemap Gallery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11299553/fancybox-imagemap-gallery opens a gallery. I'm using FancyBox and I want Thumbnail Helper with image map It's like this http jsfiddle.net ffZ7B 343 When.. imagemap share improve this question The Thumbnail Helper is a totally NEW feature of fancybox v2.x and non existing in.. v1.3.4 in your jsfiddle. If you want to use the Thumbnail Helper you have to upgrade to Fancybox v2.x then use this code HTML..
Best way to start using jQuery in a Zend Framework 1.9 application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1616857/best-way-to-start-using-jquery-in-a-zend-framework-1-9-application lines to your bootstrap file protected function _initViewHelpers view addHelperPath ZendX JQuery View Helper ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper.. bootstrap file protected function _initViewHelpers view addHelperPath ZendX JQuery View Helper ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper view jQuery.. _initViewHelpers view addHelperPath ZendX JQuery View Helper ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper view jQuery addStylesheet ' js jquery..
Good jQuery pagination plugin to use with JSON data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2505435/good-jquery-pagination-plugin-to-use-with-json-data Raja kumar Address Madurai Date_Of_Birth Desig_Name Mason Helper Desig_Description Mason Helper SalaryBasis Weekly FixedSalary.. Desig_Name Mason Helper Desig_Description Mason Helper SalaryBasis Weekly FixedSalary 105.00 Emp_Id 9 Identity_No Emp_Name.. Lakshmi Address Madurai Date_Of_Birth Desig_Name Mason Helper Desig_Description Mason Helper SalaryBasis Weekly FixedSalary..
How to use jQuery to paginate JSON data? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2507844/how-to-use-jquery-to-paginate-json-data Raja kumar Address Madurai Date_Of_Birth Desig_Name Mason Helper Desig_Description Mason Helper SalaryBasis Weekly FixedSalary.. Desig_Name Mason Helper Desig_Description Mason Helper SalaryBasis Weekly FixedSalary 105.00 Emp_Id 9 Identity_No Emp_Name.. Lakshmi Address Madurai Date_Of_Birth Desig_Name Mason Helper Desig_Description Mason Helper SalaryBasis Weekly FixedSalary..
Can't drop jquery ui helper on droppable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4660127/cant-drop-jquery-ui-helper-on-droppable 12 left 20 helper function event return ' div class helper Helper div ' .droppable .droppable drop function event ui clone and..
JQuery draggable with ease http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6398854/jquery-draggable-with-ease this.draggable distance options.distance ADDED Helper function to create invisible helper helper function return..
Zend Framework form with jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/665690/zend-framework-form-with-jquery forget to add the following in your bootstrap view addHelperPath 'ZendX JQuery View Helper ' 'ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper' ..
jquery pagination + twitter bootstrap http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8400804/jquery-pagination-twitter-bootstrap return function evt return pageSelected page_id evt Helper function for generating a single link or a span tag if it's..
Two jQuery versions on the same page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1117463/two-jquery-versions-on-the-same-page
Getting Zend_Navigation menu to work with jQuery's Fisheye http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1243697/getting-zend-navigation-menu-to-work-with-jquerys-fisheye it takes a list of a elements containing both an img for the icon and a span for the tooltip . The standard Menu view helper renders everything inside an unordered list logically with the 'label' parameter as the link text. It seems that content.. the entire thing wrapped in ul ul but just a one level list of a elements. I was thinking about writing a custom view helper for the dock which would be able to take care of inserting the img and the span but I'm having a very hard time getting.. would be able to take care of inserting the img and the span but I'm having a very hard time getting a custom view helper attached to the Navigation class. I just can't figure out where to place it and in what way even though all my other custom..
Access outside variable in loop from Javascript closure http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1331769/access-outside-variable-in-loop-from-javascript-closure self.switchto item.id item immediately call it with item A side note I see that you have jQuery here. It has a helper function .each that can be used with arrays and can be a shortcut for simple for each loops. Because of the way the scoping..
Looking for a JQuery plug-in similar to Accordian, but that allows multiple sections open at once http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1628006/looking-for-a-jquery-plug-in-similar-to-accordian-but-that-allows-multiple-sect trunk ui ui.accordion.js script script type text javascript function #accordion .addClass ui accordion ui widget ui helper reset ui accordion icons .find h3 .addClass ui accordion header ui helper reset ui state default ui corner top ui corner.. .addClass ui accordion ui widget ui helper reset ui accordion icons .find h3 .addClass ui accordion header ui helper reset ui state default ui corner top ui corner bottom .prepend ' span class ui icon ui icon triangle 1 e ' .click function..
Accessing functions bound to event handlers with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2388030/accessing-functions-bound-to-event-handlers-with-jquery With jQuery you can bind functions to an event triggered on a DOM object using .bind or one of the event handler helper functions. jQuery have to store this internally somehow and I wonder if is it possible given a DOM object to find out which..
Generate XML document in-memory with JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3191179/generate-xml-document-in-memory-with-javascript Without addressing whether you should use jQuery to build XML here are some ideas on how you might do it Simple helper function creates a new element from a name so you don't have to add the brackets etc. .createElement function name return.. add 'name' element using standard jQuery newStudent.append ' name ' .text 'Alice' add 'grade' element using our helper newStudent.append .createElement 'grade' .text '80' add 'Alice' to students students.append newStudent create 'Bob' newStudent..
Can't get correct return value from an jQuery Ajax call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3537434/cant-get-correct-return-value-from-an-jquery-ajax-call
How can jQuery deferred be used? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4869609/how-can-jquery-deferred-be-used asynchronously and you want to abstract that condition out of the code. Another real world example using the .when helper .when .getJSON ' some data ' .get 'template.tpl' .then function data tmpl tmpl create a jQuery object out of the template..
What are some empirical technical reasons not to use jQuery? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5099949/what-are-some-empirical-technical-reasons-not-to-use-jquery end developers that hack at HTML Javascript and CSS all day long and that ignore tools like jQuery or other equivalent helper frameworks and refuse to use them. I am not talking about JavaScript gurus I am talking about in the trenches every day..
How to draw a line between draggable and droppable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/536676/how-to-draw-a-line-between-draggable-and-droppable function div .draggable .draggable revert 'valid' snap false div .droppable .droppable hoverClass 'ui state hover' helper 'clone' cursor 'move' drop function event ui this .addClass 'ui state highlight' .find img .removeAttr src .attr src..
clone node on drag http://stackoverflow.com/questions/623703/clone-node-on-drag create a copy of the element that i want to drag. im using the standard ui draggable and droppable. i know about the helper clone option. but that does not create a copy. the dragged item gets reverted back to the original position. javascript.. clone draggable share improve this question Mark Try this example document .ready function .objectDrag .draggable helper 'clone' #garbageCollector .droppable accept .objectDrag drop function event ui console.log Item was Dropped this .append..
Listening for Youtube Event in JavaScript or jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7988476/listening-for-youtube-event-in-javascript-or-jquery improve this question The YouTube Frame API does support existing frames . To improve the usage I have created some helper functions. Have a look at the code comments below and the demo http jsfiddle.net YzvXa 197 To bind functions to existent..
Uploading Image to Amazon s3 with HTML, javascript & jQuery with Ajax Request (No PHP) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11240127/uploading-image-to-amazon-s3-with-html-javascript-jquery-with-ajax-request-n false xhr.open 'POST' 'https yourbucket .s3.amazonaws.com ' true MUST BE LAST LINE BEFORE YOU SEND xhr.send fd Helper functions function uploadProgress evt if evt.lengthComputable var percentComplete Math.round evt.loaded 100 evt.total document.getElementById..
Fancybox Imagemap Gallery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11299553/fancybox-imagemap-gallery Gallery What I want is an image which after been clicked opens a gallery. I'm using FancyBox and I want Thumbnail Helper with image map It's like this http jsfiddle.net ffZ7B 343 When you click the left weel It opens the gallery but it dosn't.. how to do this Thank you javascript jquery fancybox gallery imagemap share improve this question The Thumbnail Helper is a totally NEW feature of fancybox v2.x and non existing in previous versions. You are using fancybox v1.3.4 in your jsfiddle... non existing in previous versions. You are using fancybox v1.3.4 in your jsfiddle. If you want to use the Thumbnail Helper you have to upgrade to Fancybox v2.x then use this code HTML img src images imageMap.jpg usemap #map map name map id map..
Best way to start using jQuery in a Zend Framework 1.9 application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1616857/best-way-to-start-using-jquery-in-a-zend-framework-1-9-application jquery and move to your public js directory. Step 4 Add these lines to your bootstrap file protected function _initViewHelpers view addHelperPath ZendX JQuery View Helper ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper view jQuery addStylesheet ' js jquery css ui lightness.. to your public js directory. Step 4 Add these lines to your bootstrap file protected function _initViewHelpers view addHelperPath ZendX JQuery View Helper ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper view jQuery addStylesheet ' js jquery css ui lightness jquery ui 1.7.2.custom.css'.. Step 4 Add these lines to your bootstrap file protected function _initViewHelpers view addHelperPath ZendX JQuery View Helper ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper view jQuery addStylesheet ' js jquery css ui lightness jquery ui 1.7.2.custom.css' setLocalPath..
Good jQuery pagination plugin to use with JSON data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2505435/good-jquery-pagination-plugin-to-use-with-json-data Weekly FixedSalary 135.00 Emp_Id 8 Identity_No Emp_Name Raja kumar Address Madurai Date_Of_Birth Desig_Name Mason Helper Desig_Description Mason Helper SalaryBasis Weekly FixedSalary 105.00 Emp_Id 9 Identity_No Emp_Name Lakshmi Address Madurai.. Emp_Id 8 Identity_No Emp_Name Raja kumar Address Madurai Date_Of_Birth Desig_Name Mason Helper Desig_Description Mason Helper SalaryBasis Weekly FixedSalary 105.00 Emp_Id 9 Identity_No Emp_Name Lakshmi Address Madurai Date_Of_Birth Desig_Name Mason.. Weekly FixedSalary 105.00 Emp_Id 9 Identity_No Emp_Name Lakshmi Address Madurai Date_Of_Birth Desig_Name Mason Helper Desig_Description Mason Helper SalaryBasis Weekly FixedSalary 100.00 Emp_Id 10 Identity_No Emp_Name Palani Address Madurai..
How to use jQuery to paginate JSON data? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2507844/how-to-use-jquery-to-paginate-json-data Weekly FixedSalary 135.00 Emp_Id 8 Identity_No Emp_Name Raja kumar Address Madurai Date_Of_Birth Desig_Name Mason Helper Desig_Description Mason Helper SalaryBasis Weekly FixedSalary 105.00 Emp_Id 9 Identity_No Emp_Name Lakshmi Address Madurai.. Emp_Id 8 Identity_No Emp_Name Raja kumar Address Madurai Date_Of_Birth Desig_Name Mason Helper Desig_Description Mason Helper SalaryBasis Weekly FixedSalary 105.00 Emp_Id 9 Identity_No Emp_Name Lakshmi Address Madurai Date_Of_Birth Desig_Name Mason.. Weekly FixedSalary 105.00 Emp_Id 9 Identity_No Emp_Name Lakshmi Address Madurai Date_Of_Birth Desig_Name Mason Helper Desig_Description Mason Helper SalaryBasis Weekly FixedSalary 100.00 Emp_Id 10 Identity_No Emp_Name Palani Address Madurai..
Can't drop jquery ui helper on droppable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4660127/cant-drop-jquery-ui-helper-on-droppable code .product .draggable revert 'invalid' cursorAt top 12 left 20 helper function event return ' div class helper Helper div ' .droppable .droppable drop function event ui clone and remove positioning from the helper element var newDiv ui.helper..
JQuery draggable with ease http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6398854/jquery-draggable-with-ease .stop .animate top newpos.top left newpos.left 1000 'easeOutCirc' this.draggable distance options.distance ADDED Helper function to create invisible helper helper function return ' div div ' .css 'opacity' 0 start function event ui ui.helper.data..
Zend Framework form with jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/665690/zend-framework-form-with-jquery
jquery pagination + twitter bootstrap http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8400804/jquery-pagination-twitter-bootstrap with the right page_id var getClickHandler function page_id return function evt return pageSelected page_id evt Helper function for generating a single link or a span tag if it's the current page var appendItem function page_id appendopts..