

java Programming Glossary: this.values

custom checkbox difficulty in android


context R.layout.row_checkbox values this.context context this.values values this.obj obj @Override public View getView int position.. context R.layout.row_checkbox values this.context context this.values values this.obj obj for int i 0 i values.size i checks.add i..

Hibernate CollectionOfElements EAGER fetch duplicates elements


String key SortedSet String values this this.keyId key this.values values public String getKeyId return keyId public Set String..

java multiple graphics [closed]


Integer activeIndices public AbstracSorter int values this.values values listeners new ArrayList 25 activeIndices new ArrayList.. Integer activeIndices public AbstracSorter int values this.values new int values.length System.arraycopy values 0 this.values.. new int values.length System.arraycopy values 0 this.values 0 values.length listeners new ArrayList 25 activeIndices new..

How to fill data in a JTable with database?


Row private final Object values public Row Object values this.values values public int getSize return values.length public Object..

Java N-Tuple implementation


values this.type type if values null values.length 0 this.values new Object 0 else this.values new Object values.length System.arraycopy.. values null values.length 0 this.values new Object 0 else this.values new Object values.length System.arraycopy values 0 this.values.. new Object values.length System.arraycopy values 0 this.values 0 values.length @Override public TupleType getType return type..

How to sort search results on multiple fields using a weighting function?


float scalars throws IOException this.scalars scalars this.values new int fields.length for int i 0 i values.length i this.values.. new int fields.length for int i 0 i values.length i this.values i FieldCache.DEFAULT.getInts reader fields i protected float..