

java Programming Glossary: this.setsize

JTable getSelectedRow does not return the selected row index


JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE this.getContentPane .setLayout null this.setSize new Dimension 400 300 this.setTitle CANTEEN jScrollPane1.setBounds..

Java Animate JLabel


Color.black arrows.add arrowBox this.setSize 600 600 this.setLayout new BorderLayout this.add mainWindow..

Graphics rendering in title bar


pane.add label pane.add panel BorderLayout.EAST this.setSize 680 581 this.setVisible true java swing graphics awt share.. when setting the size of the frame... Instead of using this.setSize 680 581 which is will cause the image to rendered inside the..

how can you make a progress bar without using JProgressBar?


JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE this.setLayout null this.setSize 350 75 HumanProgressBar p new HumanProgressBar p.setValue 50..

Sorting Table is wrong when the sort button be pressed more than once?


JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE this.setLayout null this.setSize 1280 800 this.getContentPane .add new Panel this.setVisible..

Java / Swing -> Creating a notification JFrame, and the error “The frame is displayable”


this.setLayout new GridBagLayout this.setUndecorated true this.setSize 300 200 this.setLocationRelativeTo null this.setDefaultCloseOperation..

JTable center alignment not working


this.add scroll this.setTitle Historial de Significados this.setSize 1350 700 this.setIconImage icon this.setVisible true this.setLocationRelativeTo..

CubicCurve2D connecting two JInternalFrame instances


JInternalFrame MyFrame String name int x int y super name this.setSize 160 100 this.setLocation x y this.setVisible true this.addComponentListener..

Rotate an image in java


theLabel g2.dispose theLabel.setIcon new ImageIcon DaImage this.setSize DaImage.getWidth DaImage.getHeight resize the frame java swing..

Can a progress bar be used in a class outside main?


JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE this.add progressBar this.add label this.setSize 161 100 this.setLocationRelativeTo null this.setVisible true..

problem formatting fields in a JTable - differences between Integer and Double


table new JScrollPane tab this.getContentPane .add table this.setSize 600 400 setDefaultCloseOperation EXIT_ON_CLOSE setVisible true.. table new JScrollPane tab this.getContentPane .add table this.setSize 800 400 setDefaultCloseOperation EXIT_ON_CLOSE setRenderers..

How can I make this JButton visible? When I have progressive scan background JWindow()?


Color.black af.setVisible true public AlphaFrame this.setSize 320 240 this.setLocationRelativeTo null this.setBackground Color.white..

JPanel repaint issue


BorderLayout.CENTER this.add state BorderLayout.SOUTH this.setSize 500 600 this.setVisible true this.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE..

Individual and not continuous JTable's cell selection


pane new JScrollPane table main.add pane this.add main this.setSize 800 600 this.setVisible true @param args public static void..

Setting divider location on a JSplitPane doesn't work


0.5 this.add mainSplittedPane this.setSize 800 600 this.setResizable true this.setVisible true public static..

How do I set hard limit on a JComponent when setMaximumSize() and setPrefferedSize() don't work?


MAX_SIZE image.getHeight null Insets i this.getInsets this.setSize w i.left i.right h i.top i.bottom this.setLocation offset offset..

rotating coordinate plane for data and text in Java


this.setPreferredSize new Dimension 800 400 this.pack this.setSize new Dimension 800 600 this.setLocationRelativeTo null setLayout..

JLayeredPane and painting


On top this.getContentPane .add layers BorderLayout.CENTER this.setSize 600 400 class MyPanel1 extends JPanel Color getRandomColor ..