

java Programming Glossary: this.type

document not saving in spring jpa document manager application


return this.patient public void setType DocumentType type this.type type public DocumentType getType return this.type public String.. type this.type type public DocumentType getType return this.type public String getName return name public void setName String..

Get generic type of class at runtime


final Class T type public GenericClass Class T type this.type type public Class T getMyType return this.type share improve..

Java N-Tuple implementation


final Object values TupleImpl TupleType type Object values this.type type if values null values.length 0 this.values new Object.. TupleType final Class types TupleTypeImpl Class types this.types types null types new Class 0 public int size return types.length..

XStream Alias of List root elements


Coin @XStreamAsAttribute String type Coin String type this.type type Here is the output coins coin type Gold coin type Silver..

Passing a Enum value as a parameter from JSF


Type getType return type public void setType Type type this.type type public void Test Type t System.out.println t then at my..

Java generics - get class?


JAXB unmarshalling multiple XML elements into single class


String getType return type public void setType String type this.type type public String getName return name public void setName String..

Jackson is not deserialising a generic list that it has serialised


public NSResponse T data this.status STATUS_OK this.type TYPE_OBJECT this.data new ArrayList T this.data.add data this.count.. public NSResponse List T data this.status STATUS_OK this.type TYPE_ARRAY this.data data this.count data null 0 data.size ..

Need sample Java code to run a shellscript


type StreamGobbler InputStream is String type this.is is this.type type public void run try InputStreamReader isr new InputStreamReader..

How to implement dynamic GUI in swing


Comp int type int relation String lower String upper this.type type this.relation relation this.lower lower this.upper upper..

Using nested enum types in Java


final String type private DrinkType final String type this.type type public String getDisplayableType return type public.. Drink String label DrinkType type this.label label this.type type public String getDisplayableType return type.getDisplayableType..

Get Command Prompt Output to String In Java


final InputStream is @Nonnull String type this.is is this.type type this.sb new StringBuilder public void run try final InputStreamReader..

JScrollPane with multiple JTextAreas


String author String postDate String repairId super id this.type type this.text text this.author author this.postDate postDate..

Deriving Class from Generic T
