

java Programming Glossary: this.setlayout

Program not accessing method paintComponent() of extended JPanel class


actionPerformed ActionEvent e update public GrayIcons this.setLayout new GridLayout 1 0 list.add getGray UIManager.getIcon OptionPane.errorIcon..

Why JScrollPane in JOptionPane not showing all its content?


new JButton add record layout new GroupLayout this this.setLayout layout layout.setAutoCreateGaps true layout.setAutoCreateContainerGaps..

Netbeans GUI editor generating its own incomprehensible code


layout new org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout this this.setLayout layout layout.setHorizontalGroup layout.createParallelGroup..

GUI not working after rewriting to MVC


m model m setTitle name setSize w h setResizable false this.setLayout new BorderLayout button new JPanel button.setSize new Dimension..

Variable Layout in Swing


JTextField fields new ArrayList JTextField public BoxTest this.setLayout new BoxLayout this BoxLayout.Y_AXIS this.add createPane 3 One..

How to rotate an image gradually in Swing?


TitledBorder border BorderFactory.createTitledBorder image this.setLayout new FlowLayout this.initialize public void paintComponent Graphics..

Java Swing button colors


panels new ArrayList ButtonPanel public ButtonTest this.setLayout new GridLayout N N N N for int i 0 i N N i ButtonPanel bp new..

JFormattedTextField is not properly cleared


d frame.pack frame.setVisible true CellTest Digit digit this.setLayout new BorderLayout this.setBorder BorderFactory.createLineBorder..

Java swing JComponent “size”


involve switching the displayed image. public customWidget this.setLayout new FlowLayout try imageDef ImageIO.read new File home x101..

Can a progress bar be used in a class outside main?


JLabel label new JLabel s JLabel.CENTER public TwoRoot this.setLayout new GridLayout 0 1 this.setTitle this.setDefaultCloseOperation..

Printing a large Swing component


private static final int N 16 public MyPanel super true this.setLayout new GridLayout N N for int i 0 i N N i this.add new JLabel..

JPanel repaint issue


Test control new ButtonPanel display new Display this this.setLayout new BorderLayout this.add id BorderLayout.NORTH this.add control.. 8 public boolean bp new boolean 8 public ButtonPanel this.setLayout new GridLayout 8 1 for int i 0 i b.length i b i new JButton.. Opaque control new ButtonPanel display new Display this this.setLayout new BorderLayout this.add id BorderLayout.NORTH this.add control..

Changing mercury color in thermometer in JFreeChart


static final int H 2 W public ThermometerDemo double value this.setLayout new GridLayout DefaultValueDataset dataset new DefaultValueDataset..

How do I set hard limit on a JComponent when setMaximumSize() and setPrefferedSize() don't work?


Image image int offset super title true true true true this.setLayout new FlowLayout final JLabel label new JLabel new ImageIcon..

Swing GroupLayout: Resizing and limiting component sizes


Panel n GroupLayout layout new GroupLayout this this.setLayout layout layout.setAutoCreateGaps true layout.setAutoCreateContainerGaps..

advanced formatted text field input manipulation?


sum new JFormattedTextField format public Adder this.setLayout new GridLayout 0 1 for int i 0 i MAX i JFormattedTextField..

JTable duplicate values in row


class EnvTableTest extends JPanel public EnvTableTest this.setLayout new GridLayout this.add new JScrollPane new JTable new EnvDataModel..