java Programming Glossary: this.setvisible
Sorting Table is wrong when the sort button be pressed more than once? Nama 50 nim new Nama 50 ip new Nama 50 mS new MergeSortS this.setVisible true public void inaTab rows new Vector collumns new Vector.. this.setSize 1280 800 this.getContentPane .add new Panel this.setVisible true public static void main String args Frame frame new Frame..
Java - Transparent JScrollPane DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE this.pack this.setLocationRelativeTo null this.setVisible true private static class MyViewport extends JViewport public..
CubicCurve2D connecting two JInternalFrame instances y super name this.setSize 160 100 this.setLocation x y this.setVisible true this.addComponentListener new ComponentAdapter @Override..
how to handle bad file selection for image display in swing addWidgets showGUI private void showGUI this.pack this.setVisible true private void addWidgets canvas new MyImagePanel okbutton.. JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE this.addWidgets this.pack this.setVisible true private void addWidgets FileNameExtensionFilter filter..
Can a progress bar be used in a class outside main? label this.setSize 161 100 this.setLocationRelativeTo null this.setVisible true public void runCalc progressBar.setIndeterminate true TwoWorker..
Java Swing; Two classes, where to put if statements and new actionlisteners? Timer this.pack this.setLocationRelativeTo null this.setVisible true public void start t.start private class ClockListener implements..
Remove Top-Level Container on Runtime this.pack this.setLocationRelativeTo null this.setVisible true passSomeTime this.setVisible false this.dispatchEvent new.. null this.setVisible true passSomeTime this.setVisible false this.dispatchEvent new WindowEvent this WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING..
JPanel repaint issue this.add state BorderLayout.SOUTH this.setSize 500 600 this.setVisible true this.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE public.. ItemEvent.SELECTED state.setSelected true this.pack this.setVisible true this.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE public..
How do I get the CellRow when there is an ItemEvent in the JComboBox within the cell main.add scrollPane container.add main this.pack this.setVisible true public static JComboBox attachComboBoxRenderer JTable table..
Individual and not continuous JTable's cell selection table main.add pane this.add main this.setSize 800 600 this.setVisible true @param args public static void main String args TODO Auto..
How do I set hard limit on a JComponent when setMaximumSize() and setPrefferedSize() don't work? i.right h i.bottom this.setLocation offset offset this.setVisible true label.addMouseListener new MouseAdapter @Override public..
Inconsistent performance applying ForegroundActions in a JEditorPane when reading HTML this.add editorPane BorderLayout.CENTER this.pack this.setVisible true public static void main String args EventQueue.invokeLater..
rotating coordinate plane for data and text in Java myDiffs this.getHeight this.getWidth this.add myPP this.setVisible true Display the panel. public static void main String args.. w h setMaximumSize new Dimension w h myDiffs Diffs repaint this.setVisible true protected void paintComponent Graphics g Override paintComponent..