

java Programming Glossary: this.setundecorated

Java slideshow image delay using paintComponent


is set width and height are determined for the window this.setUndecorated true GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment .getDefaultScreenDevice..

BUG: Java Swing Key Bindings Lose Function with JDK 7 in OSX with awt setFullScreenWindow


Removes window framing and sets fullscreen mode. this.setUndecorated true GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment .getDefaultScreenDevice.. true So the below two lines are causing the problem. this.setUndecorated true GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment .getDefaultScreenDevice..

Making a single component full screen


isFullScreen public FullScreen this.setContentPane myPanel this.setUndecorated true Fullscreen return this.addKeyListener new KeyListener ..

Java / Swing -> Creating a notification JFrame, and the error “The frame is displayable”


initComponents this.setLayout new GridBagLayout this.setUndecorated true this.setSize 300 200 this.setLocationRelativeTo null this.setDefaultCloseOperation..

How to add support for resizing when using an undecorated JFrame?


menu.add item menuBar.add menu this.setJMenuBar menuBar this.setUndecorated true this.getRootPane .setBorder border this.setSize 400 340..

How can I customize the title bar on JFrame?


using the following code in the constructor for my JFrame this.setUndecorated true this.getRootPane .setWindowDecorationStyle JRootPane.FRAME..