

java Programming Glossary: thread.interrupt

Are Thread.stop and friends ever safe in Java?


are unsafe . The Sun recommended work around is to use Thread.interrupt but that approach doesn't work in all cases. For example if..

BlackBerry class equivalent to AsyncTask?


if mayInterruptIfRunning _status RUNNING NOTE calling Thread.interrupt usually doesn't work well unless you don't care what state.. completeTask result catch Exception e I believe if Thread.interrupt is called we'll arrive here completeTask null _status..

java scripting API - how to stop the evaluation


in a separate thread and interrupt it after 15s using Thread.interrupt . This will stop the eval and throw an InterruptedException..

Java long running task Thread interrupt vs cancel flag


a cancel has been requested. But I know I could also use Thread.interrupt and check if the thread has been interrupted. I'm not sure which..

Is Thread.interrupt() evil?


Thread.interrupt evil A teammate made the following claim Thread.interrupt is.. Thread.interrupt evil A teammate made the following claim Thread.interrupt is inherently broken and should almost never be used . I am.. this is the case. Is it a known best practice never to use Thread.interrupt Can you provide evidence why it is broken buggie and should..

Control thread through button


in the run method but may need to include a call to Thread.interrupt . Pausing a thread is more problematic but could also be done..

What does java.lang.Thread.interrupt() do?


does java.lang.Thread.interrupt do Could you explain what java.lang.Thread.interrupt does when.. do Could you explain what java.lang.Thread.interrupt does when invoked java multithreading share improve this.. java multithreading share improve this question Thread.interrupt sets the interrupted status flag of the target thread. Then..

How to kill a java thread?


thread. And there exists two solutions set a flag using Thread.interrupt But both of them are not suitable for me. In my thread I call.. java multithreading share improve this question Thread.interrupt is the only safe method which is generally applicable. You can..

How to stop a thread waiting in a blocking read operation in Java?


such thread gracefully Neither closing System.in nor using Thread.interrupt appear to work. java multithreading stream share improve..

How to terminate a thread blocking on socket IO operation instantly?


this question There are two ways to do this Calling Thread.interrupt will under some circumstances that are not specified interrupt..

How to stop uninterruptible threads in Java


At a certain point in time I want to stop it. If I use Thread.interrupt it doesn't work. If I use Thread.stop it works but this method..

Where to stop/destroy threads in Android Service class?


which block such as reading cannot be interrupted by Thread.interrupt and so when you want to stop the thread you must close the socket..