

java Programming Glossary: this.setlocationrelativeto

How to make two JPanels listen to the same event?


.actionPerformed e this.add panel this.pack this.setLocationRelativeTo null this.setVisible true private static class MyPanel extends..

Java: How to draw non-scrolling overlay over ScrollPane Viewport?


this.setDefaultCloseOperation DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE this.pack this.setLocationRelativeTo null this.setVisible true private static class MyViewport extends..

Initialization in paintComponent doesn't work


MyPanel aba new MyPanel this.add aba this.pack this.setLocationRelativeTo null this.setVisible true class MyPanel extends JPanel private..

Java / Swing -> Creating a notification JFrame, and the error “The frame is displayable”


this.setUndecorated true this.setSize 300 200 this.setLocationRelativeTo null this.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE this.setOpacity..

JTable center alignment not working


1350 700 this.setIconImage icon this.setVisible true this.setLocationRelativeTo null scroll.setViewportView table Object get_data Object data.. EXIT_ON_CLOSE this.add new JScrollPane table this.pack this.setLocationRelativeTo null this.setVisible true Object get_data Object data new Object..

JFreechart candlestick chart weird behaviour on drag


oldTimeline BorderLayout.SOUTH this.pack this.setLocationRelativeTo null private AbstractXYDataset getDataSet String stockSymbol..

Java - Transparent JScrollPane


this.setDefaultCloseOperation DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE this.pack this.setLocationRelativeTo null this.setVisible true private static class MyViewport extends..

Using a Swing Timer to hide a notification temporarily


new TimerButton Back in an hour 60 60 1000 this.pack this.setLocationRelativeTo null this.setVisible true A button that hides it's enclosing..

Can a progress bar be used in a class outside main?


this.add progressBar this.add label this.setSize 161 100 this.setLocationRelativeTo null this.setVisible true public void runCalc progressBar.setIndeterminate..

Java Swing; Two classes, where to put if statements and new actionlisteners?


this.add panel this.setTitle Timer this.pack this.setLocationRelativeTo null this.setVisible true public void start t.start private..

Remove Top-Level Container on Runtime


JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE this.pack this.setLocationRelativeTo null this.setVisible true passSomeTime this.setVisible false..

How can I make this JButton visible? When I have progressive scan background JWindow()?


af.setVisible true public AlphaFrame this.setSize 320 240 this.setLocationRelativeTo null this.setBackground Color.white this.addWindowListener new..

How do I get the CellRow when there is an ItemEvent in the JComboBox within the cell


Update JLabel every X seconds from ArrayList<List> - Java


content this.setTitle Swing Timer this.pack this.setLocationRelativeTo null this.setResizable false _textField.setText loading... Getting..

Inconsistent performance applying ForegroundActions in a JEditorPane when reading HTML


16 16 this.setDefaultCloseOperation EXIT_ON_CLOSE this.setLocationRelativeTo null this.add bar BorderLayout.NORTH this.add editorPane BorderLayout.CENTER..

rotating coordinate plane for data and text in Java


800 400 this.pack this.setSize new Dimension 800 600 this.setLocationRelativeTo null setLayout new GridLayout ArrayList Double myDiffs new ArrayList..