

java Programming Glossary: system.out.println

How to sort a Map<Key, Value> on the values in Java?


A 99.5 map.put B 67.4 map.put C 67.4 map.put D 67.3 System.out.println unsorted map map sorted_map.putAll map System.out.println results.. System.out.println unsorted map map sorted_map.putAll map System.out.println results sorted_map class ValueComparator implements Comparator..

Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array?


for int c 0 c arraySize c if data c 128 sum data c System.out.println System.nanoTime start 1000000000.0 System.out.println sum sum.. c System.out.println System.nanoTime start 1000000000.0 System.out.println sum sum with a similar but less extreme result. My first thought..

getResourceAsStream() vs FileInputStream


about the current working directory the following way System.out.println new File . .getAbsolutePath However the working directory is..

What is a raw type and why shouldn't we use it?


have the following for Object o names String name String o System.out.println name throws ClassCastException java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast..

How to use java.net.URLConnection to fire and handle HTTP requests?


List String header connection.getHeaderFields .entrySet System.out.println header.getKey header.getValue 3 HTTP response encoding When.. charset try for String line line reader.readLine null ... System.out.println line finally try reader.close catch IOException logOrIgnore..

What are the pros and cons of the leading Java HTML parsers?


'post text' p 1 .evaluate document XPathConstants.NODE System.out.println Question question.getFirstChild .getNodeValue NodeList answerers.. XPathConstants.NODESET for int i 0 i answerers.getLength i System.out.println Answerer answerers.item i .getFirstChild .getNodeValue And here's.. question document.select #question .post text p .first System.out.println Question question.text Elements answerers document.select #answers..

In Java, what is the best way to determine the size of an object?


int x private int y public static void main String args System.out.println ObjectSizeFetcher.getObjectSize new C Invoke with java javaagent..

Calling awt Frame methods from subclass


and placing images background loadImage MenuAlt.jpg System.out.println background playbtn1 loadImage play1.gif playbtn2 loadImage play2.gif.. FBody pressed menu.getBody mouseX mouseY if pressed pBtn System.out.println play game this.getParent .getParent .getParent .getParent .setVisible.. .getParent .getParent .getLocation if pressed hBtn System.out.println high scores this.getParent .getParent .getParent .getParent..

read/write to Windows Registry using Java


Windows NT CurrentVersion Key ProductName ValueName System.out.println Windows Distribution value Here is the original class. Just..

What is an efficient way to implement a singleton pattern in Java?


Hound Dog Heartbreak Hotel public void printFavorites System.out.println Arrays.toString favoriteSongs Edit An online portion of Effective..

Java String.equals versus == [duplicate]


String str tokens.nextToken datos i str i System.out.println usuario if datos 0 usuario System.out.println WORKING java.. i str i System.out.println usuario if datos 0 usuario System.out.println WORKING java string share improve this question Use the..

Java 256-bit AES Password-Based Encryption


plaintext new String cipher.doFinal ciphertext UTF 8 System.out.println plaintext A java.security.InvalidKeyException with the message..

JTable Boolean.class


one Sample scenario when I ticked row1 checkbox it will system.out.println with a result of value1 . java swing jtable jcheckbox abstracttablemodel..

Java integer to byte array


I use method String hex Integer.toHexString 1695609641 system.out.println hex gives 6510f329 but I want a byte array byte bytearray new..

Android — How to access data in an ASP.NET database via app?


always return the result wrapped in a parameter named d system.out.println user.getString name system.out.println user.getInt age .toString.. a parameter named d system.out.println user.getString name system.out.println user.getInt age .toString Handling server exceptions on the..

How to use Readline() in Java


System.in int intnumber 0 float floatnumber 0.0f try system.out.println enter an integer intnumber Integer.parseInt in.Readline system.out.println.. enter an integer intnumber Integer.parseInt in.Readline system.out.println enter a float number floatnumber Float.valueOf in.Readline..

how to visualize console java in JFrame/JPanel


jframe or jpanel. About java console i mean where my system.out.println or the exception are shown. thanks java swing console jtextarea..