

java Programming Glossary: system.nanotime

Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array?


the next loop runs faster Arrays.sort data Test long start System.nanoTime long sum 0 for int i 0 i 100000 i Primary loop for int c 0.. c if data c 128 sum data c System.out.println System.nanoTime start 1000000000.0 System.out.println sum sum with a similar..

java get file size efficiently


int iterations throws Exception long result 1 long before System.nanoTime for int i 0 i iterations i if result 1 result test.getResult..

Threads with Key Bindings


5 We will need the last update time. double lastUpdateTime System.nanoTime Store the last time we rendered. double lastRenderTime System.nanoTime.. Store the last time we rendered. double lastRenderTime System.nanoTime If we are able to get as high as this FPS don't render again... while running.get if paused.get double now System.nanoTime long elapsedTime System.currentTimeMillis currTime currTime..

How do I measure time elapsed in Java? [duplicate]


elapsed time and you want it to be correct you must use System.nanoTime . You cannot use System.currentTimeMillis unless you don't mind..

How do I time a method's execution in Java?


There is always the old fashioned way long startTime System.nanoTime methodToTime long endTime System.nanoTime long duration endTime..

Stop a stopwatch


a super duper accurate stopwatch you might consider using System.nanoTime rather than currentTimeMillis . share improve this answer..

Is System.nanoTime() completely useless?


System.nanoTime completely useless As documented here on x86 systems. Java's.. useless As documented here on x86 systems. Java's System.nanoTime returns the time value using a cpu specific counter. Now consider.. Holmes a realtime and concurrency guy at Sun. It says System.nanoTime is implemented using the QueryPerformanceCounter QueryPerformanceFrequency..

Create a temporary directory in Java


File temp temp File.createTempFile temp Long.toString System.nanoTime if temp.delete throw new IOException Could not delete temp..

Java - get pixel array from image


convertTo2DUsingGetRGB for int i 0 i 10 i long startTime System.nanoTime int result convertTo2DUsingGetRGB hugeImage long endTime System.nanoTime.. int result convertTo2DUsingGetRGB hugeImage long endTime System.nanoTime System.out.println String.format 2d s i 1 toString endTime startTime.. for int i 0 i 10 i long startTime System.nanoTime int result convertTo2DWithoutUsingGetRGB hugeImage long endTime..