

java Programming Glossary: system.getproperties

How many hardware details can a Java Applet Discover?


simple to obtain are the information accessible via the System.getProperties or System.getProperty method. For example os.name will return.. Windows XP as the result. Some information available by System.getProperties which seems to be accessible by the applet include java.vm.version.. that not all properties that are available through the System.getProperties can be read as for some properties the security manager will..

ejb lookup failing with NamingException


ROLE_JNDI_NAME ejb userManagerBean try Properties props System.getProperties Context ctx new InitialContext props UserManagerHome userHome..

How do I programmatically determine operating system in Java?


class ShowProperties public static void main String args System.getProperties .list System.out All it does is print out all the properties..

How can I list all classes loaded in a specific class loader


String agentArgs Instrumentation inst if agentArgs null System.getProperties .put AGENT_ARGS_KEY agentArgs System.getProperties .put INSTRUMENTATION_KEY.. null System.getProperties .put AGENT_ARGS_KEY agentArgs System.getProperties .put INSTRUMENTATION_KEY inst public Instrumentation getInstrumentation.. Instrumentation getInstrumentation return Instrumentation System.getProperties .get INSTRUMENTATION_KEY Needn't be a UUID can be a String..

How to attach multiple files to an email using JavaMail?


Desktop Write.txt Get system properties Properties props System.getProperties props.put mail.smtp.host host props.put mail.smtps.auth true..

Send email using java


host localhost Get system properties Properties properties System.getProperties Setup mail server properties.setProperty mail.smtp.host host.. Get a Properties object Properties props System.getProperties props.setProperty mail.smtps.host smtp.gmail.com props.setProperty..

Setting JVM/JRE to use Windows Proxy Automatically


private String message public void init Properties props System.getProperties message props.getProperty http.proxyHost NONE message message.length..

How to determine if my app is running on Android


Project Maybe you want to check by yourself Properties p System.getProperties Enumeration keys p.keys while keys.hasMoreElements String key..

How to send an email by Java application using Gmail/ Yahoo/ Hotmail


pass String to String subject String body Properties props System.getProperties String host smtp.gmail.com props.put mail.smtp.starttls.enable..

How to get the list of available folders in a mail account using JavaMail


folders as suggested in the other answer. Properties props System.getProperties props.setProperty mail.store.protocol imaps Session session..

How to add JTable in JPanel


header Name Value String a new String 0 String names System.getProperties . stringPropertyNames .toArray a String data new String names.length..

Getting mail from GMail into Java application using IMAP


a SocketTimeoutException Here is my code Properties props System.getProperties props.setProperty mail.imap.host imap.gmail.com props.setProperty.. worked. Here's how my code looks now. Properties props System.getProperties props.setProperty mail.store.protocol imaps try Session session..

Java system properties and environment variables


variables What's the difference between system properties System.getProperties and environment variables System.getenv in a JVM java variables..

List of useful environment settings in Java


1 width 100 sb new StringBuffer header Properties prop System.getProperties String propStrings convertObjectToSortedStringArray prop.stringPropertyNames..