java Programming Glossary: system.arraycopy
How to convert object array to string array in Java share improve this question Another alternative to System.arraycopy String stringArray Arrays.copyOf objectArray objectArray.length..
How do I do a deep copy of a 2d array in Java? boolean array Should I loop through it and do a series of System.arraycopy's java share improve this question Yes you should iterate.. i .length For Java versions prior to Java 6 use the next System.arraycopy original i 0 result i 0 original i .length return result share..
Byte order mark screws up file reading in Java final byte result new byte length Make a defensive copy System.arraycopy bytes 0 result 0 length return result private BOM final byte..
Why did java have the reputation of being slow? [closed] In the lastest versions Java uses hand tuned assembler for System.arraycopy. The result is that in arraycopy memcopy heavy operations I've..
Correctly multithreaded quicksort or mergesort algo in Java? protected void compute if size SEQUENTIAL_THRESHOLD System.arraycopy numbers startPos result 0 size Arrays.sort result 0 size else..
How to effectively copy an array in java? in java The toArray method in ArrayList Bloch uses both System.arraycopy and Arrays.copyOf to copy an array . public T T toArray T a.. return T Arrays.copyOf elementData size a.getClass System.arraycopy elementData 0 a 0 size if a.length size a size null return a.. is the source for Arrays.copyOf as you can see it uses System.arraycopy internally to fill up the new array. public static T U T copyOf..
Why is System.arraycopy native in Java? is System.arraycopy native in Java I was surprised to see in the Java source that.. in Java I was surprised to see in the Java source that System.arraycopy is a native method. Of course the reason is because it's faster...
Regex Named Groups in Java name int len cursor start int newtemp new int 2 len 2 System.arraycopy temp start newtemp 0 len StringBuilder name new StringBuilder..
Does assigning objects to null in Java impact garbage collection? elementData index int numMoved size index 1 if numMoved 0 System.arraycopy elementData index 1 elementData index numMoved elementData size..
how can I convert String to SecretKey new byte ivData.length encryptedMessage.length System.arraycopy ivData 0 ivAndEncryptedMessage 0 blockSize System.arraycopy.. ivData 0 ivAndEncryptedMessage 0 blockSize System.arraycopy encryptedMessage 0 ivAndEncryptedMessage blockSize encryptedMessage.length.. the received message final byte ivData new byte blockSize System.arraycopy ivAndEncryptedMessage 0 ivData 0 blockSize final IvParameterSpec..
Make copy of array Java copy share improve this question You can try using System.arraycopy int a new int 1 2 3 4 5 int b new int 5 System.arraycopy a 0..
Efficiently color cycling an image in Java colors byte newColors new byte 216 newColors 0 colors 215 System.arraycopy colors 0 newColors 1 215 return newColors Edit 2 Now I precompute.. colors byte newColors new byte 216 newColors 0 colors 215 System.arraycopy colors 0 newColors 1 215 return newColors Edit old Heisenbug.. colors byte newColors new byte 216 newColors 0 colors 215 System.arraycopy colors 0 newColors 1 215 return newColors java performance..