java Programming Glossary: systempath
JDK tools.jar as maven dependency I found some examples that indicates to use the systemPath property like the following dependency groupId com.sun groupId.. groupId artifactId tools artifactId scope system scope systemPath java.home .. lib tools.jar systemPath dependency The problem.. scope system scope systemPath java.home .. lib tools.jar systemPath dependency The problem is that the path is not correct for Mac..
Local jars are not included in class path zipdiff artifactId version 0.4 version scope system scope systemPath C gelcap lib zipdiff 0.4.jar systemPath dependency dependency.. scope system scope systemPath C gelcap lib zipdiff 0.4.jar systemPath dependency dependency groupId log4j groupId artifactId log4j.. this change the dependency type to compile and remove the systemPath element. In my day job we use Nexus to manage a company wide..
Can I add jars to maven 2 build classpath without installing them? swingx artifactId version 0.9.2 version scope system scope systemPath project.basedir lib swingx 0.9.3.jar systemPath dependency ..
Having a 3rd party jar included in Maven shaded jar without adding it to local repository in certain edge cases. The system scope includes the systemPath element which points to the physical location of this dependency.. repository and whose path may vary machine to machine. The systemPath element can refer to environment variables in its path JAVA_HOME..
Maven exec plugin- how to include “system” classpath? artifactId version 1.2 version scope system scope systemPath basedir src main webapp WEB INF lib MySpecialLib 1.2.jar systemPath.. basedir src main webapp WEB INF lib MySpecialLib 1.2.jar systemPath dependency This has worked great for most things. But now I'm.. artifactId version 3.0 version scope system scope systemPath C some_path commons collections 3.0.jar systemPath dependency..