java Programming Glossary: sys
What does “GC--” mean in a java garbage collection log? 961401K 1041877K 1044672K 0.1018780 secs Times user 0.16 sys 0.00 real 0.11 secs I read Yishai's answer and it would make..
How to call Oracle Function or Procedure using Hibernate 4 (EntityManager) or JPA 2 or JPA 2 I have a Oracle function which return sys refcursor and when I call this function using Hibernate 4 I.. data.setResult query java oracle hibernate jpa sys refcursor share improve this question I have found ways.. true For Oracle Stored Procedure Create procedure with sys_refcursor as first OUT parameter like the following CREATE OR..
How can I parse XML using Java? can I parse XML using Java xml version 1.0 input sys protocol TL1 protocol ipAddress ipAddress port 2001.. data_block ....... data_block payload_block TL1Command sys sys protocol TL1 protocol ipAddress ipAddress port.. data_block ....... data_block payload_block TL1Command sys sys protocol TL1 protocol ipAddress ipAddress port 2001..
Find all combinations of a given set of numbers digit values 36 max 36 real 13m6.685s user 2m3.900s sys 0m53.930s matteo@teoubuntu ~ cpp head media Dati combinations.txt..
Pretty URLs in Google App Engine . script 1 # usr bin env python import sys def main for arg in sys.argv print arg if __name__ '__main__'.. # usr bin env python import sys def main for arg in sys.argv print arg if __name__ '__main__' main share improve..
Want to know whether enough memory is free on a linux machine to deploy a new application in at least these ways It will cache data from the I O subsystem e.g. the disk so that it will be readily available if needed... as possible for performance reasons. In fact on any Linux system that has been up for some time the free memory tends to be.. free misses a major chunk of cached data on modern Linux systems. From proc meminfo on my system SReclaimable 2253576 kB..
Anyway to Boost java JVM Startup Speed? Package 9 ... output skipped real 0m0.085s user 0m0.072s sys 0m0.013s time java jar client usr local bin tika app 0.7.jar.. of ESI v2.doc emb Package 9 real 0m2.055s user 0m2.433s sys 0m0.078s Same file a 12 KB ms XLSX embedded file inside Docx..
java: how to both read and write to & from process thru pipe (stdin/stdout) bbbbbb response4 the process being run looks like that s sys.stdin.readline print s.upper s sys.stdin.readline print s.lower.. run looks like that s sys.stdin.readline print s.upper s sys.stdin.readline print s.lower java pipes stdin share improve.. err.printStackTrace and this is the python code import sys s sys.stdin.readline .strip while s not in 'break' 'quit' sys.stdout.write..
Jython and python modules some Python Modules somewere if you want to set the path sys.path in your Java Code public void init interp new PythonInterpreter.. new PythonInterpreter null new PySystemState PySystemState sys Py.getSystemState sys.path.append new PyString rootPath sys.path.append.. null new PySystemState PySystemState sys Py.getSystemState sys.path.append new PyString rootPath sys.path.append new PyString..
Really force file sync/flush in Java that critical information is not lost in the event of a system crash. The documentation to sync states Force all system.. a system crash. The documentation to sync states Force all system buffers to synchronize with the underlying device. This method.. to a physical storage medium such as a file in a file system sync will not return until all in memory modified copies..
Python: How can execute a jar file through a python script in the same directory import os if __name__ __main__ os.system java jar Blender.jar or import subprocess 'Blender.jar' But if you have a properly configured proc sys fs binfmt_misc jar you should be able to run the jar directly..
Java Array HashCode implementation The odd think I noticed is that when I wrote the first sys out the results were different. Note that it's almost like it's..
How to connect via HTTPS using Jsoup? https url here .get catch IOException e Log.e sys coudnt get the html e.printStackTrace java android https web..
Calling Python in Java? interpreter new PythonInterpreter interpreter.exec import sys nsys.path.append 'pathToModiles if they're not there by default'.. new PythonInterpreter interpreter.exec import sys nsys.path.append 'pathToModiles if they're not there by default'..