java Programming Glossary: system.currenttimemillis
Re-paint problem on translucent frame/panel/component public void actionPerformed ActionEvent e now.setTime System.currentTimeMillis this.repaint public static void main String args EventQueue.invokeLater..
How to use to fire and handle HTTP requests? new File path to file.bin String boundary Long.toHexString System.currentTimeMillis Just generate some unique random value. String CRLF r n Line..
How slow are Java exceptions? void main String args int i long l Test t new Test l System.currentTimeMillis t.reset for i 1 i 100000000 i t.method1 i l System.currentTimeMillis.. t.reset for i 1 i 100000000 i t.method1 i l System.currentTimeMillis l System.out.println method1 took l ms result was t.getValue.. method1 took l ms result was t.getValue l System.currentTimeMillis t.reset for i 1 i 100000000 i try t.method2 i catch Exception..
JPanel in puzzle game not updating i i int rand int temp Random random random new Random System.currentTimeMillis for int i 0 i buttons.length i rand random.nextInt 0x7FFFFFFF..
Java, how to draw constantly changing graphics model x y public void paintComponent Graphics g long start System.currentTimeMillis if SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread throw new RuntimeException.. e.printStackTrace iter g2.setColor long stop System.currentTimeMillis cumulativeTimeTaken stop start StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder..
How to convert Milliseconds to “X mins, x seconds” in Java? x seconds&rdquo in Java I want to record the time using System.currentTimeMillis when a user begins something in my program. When he finishes.. my program. When he finishes I will subtract the current System.currentTimeMillis from the start variable and I want to show them the time elapsed..
Passing current Date Integer private boolean bolo false public OneTwoThree t1 System.currentTimeMillis int regLenght 3500 int chars 0 testS aChars.getNext regLenght.. tbl.setValueAt 8 62 40 frame.setTitle Merry Christmast t2 System.currentTimeMillis System.out.println miliSec t2 t1 aver. 32 miliSec. new Thread..
Efficiency of Java “Double Brace Initialization”? 1 class Test1 public static void main String s long st System.currentTimeMillis List String l0 new ArrayList String add Hello add World List.. ArrayList String add Hello add World System.out.println System.currentTimeMillis st Test 2 class Test2 public static void main String s long.. 2 class Test2 public static void main String s long st System.currentTimeMillis List String l0 new ArrayList String l0.add Hello l0.add World..