java Programming Glossary: systemtray
Blinking Tray Icon import java.awt.PopupMenu import java.awt.SystemTray import java.awt.TrayIcon import java.awt.event.ActionEvent import.. javax.swing.UIManager public class ActiveTray private SystemTray tray private TrayIcon trayIcon private Icon icon icon1 private.. image image1 private Timer timer public ActiveTray if SystemTray.isSupported false System.err.println No system tray available..
Restrict multiple instances of an application in java and alive JFrame and move toFront or Iconified in SystemTray with JFrame.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE public interface ApplicationStartedListener..
How to hide a JFrame in system tray of taskbar m.faisal6621 public class HideToSystemTray extends JFrame TrayIcon trayIcon SystemTray tray HideToSystemTray.. class HideToSystemTray extends JFrame TrayIcon trayIcon SystemTray tray HideToSystemTray super SystemTray test System.out.println.. extends JFrame TrayIcon trayIcon SystemTray tray HideToSystemTray super SystemTray test System.out.println creating instance try..
How do I put a Java app in the system tray? this question As of Java 6 this is supported in the SystemTray and TrayIcon classes. SystemTray has a pretty extensive example.. this is supported in the SystemTray and TrayIcon classes. SystemTray has a pretty extensive example in its Javadocs TrayIcon trayIcon.. example in its Javadocs TrayIcon trayIcon null if SystemTray.isSupported get the SystemTray instance SystemTray tray SystemTray.getSystemTray..
How to capture trayicon.displayMessage() mouse click on the tooltip baloon args Runnable runner new Runnable public void run if SystemTray.isSupported final SystemTray tray SystemTray.getSystemTray.. public void run if SystemTray.isSupported final SystemTray tray SystemTray.getSystemTray Image image Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit.. void run if SystemTray.isSupported final SystemTray tray SystemTray.getSystemTray Image image Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit .getImage..