

java Programming Glossary: systemroot

Where are the Java preferences stored in Windows 7?


final String args throws BackingStoreException Preferences systemRoot Preferences.systemRoot Preferences preferences systemRoot.node.. BackingStoreException Preferences systemRoot Preferences.systemRoot Preferences preferences systemRoot.node com mycompany settings.. systemRoot Preferences.systemRoot Preferences preferences systemRoot.node com mycompany settings systemRoot.put foo bar systemRoot.put..

read/write to Windows Registry using Java


userRoot Preferences.userRoot private static Preferences systemRoot Preferences.systemRoot private static Class extends Preferences.. private static Preferences systemRoot Preferences.systemRoot private static Class extends Preferences userClass userRoot.getClass.. if hkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE return readString systemRoot hkey key valueName else if hkey HKEY_CURRENT_USER return readString..