java Programming Glossary: system.loadlibrary
cannot see the message when user presses the key 10000 catch Exception exc exc.printStackTrace static System.loadLibrary MyHook C Code #include stdio.h #include windows.h #include w32api.h..
Pass an array to a wrapped function as pointer+size or range test #include test.hh pragma java jniclasscode static try System.loadLibrary test catch UnsatisfiedLinkError e System.err.println Native.. sz include test.hh pragma java jniclasscode static try System.loadLibrary test catch UnsatisfiedLinkError e System.err.println Native..
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError no *****.dll in java.library.path and tried to load one of them in Servlet constructor System.loadLibrary Copied required dlls in tomcat_home shared lib and tomcat_home.. applications share improve this question In order for System.loadLibrary to work the library on Windows a DLL must be in a directory.. the end. So for path to something.dll you would just use System.loadLibrary something . You also need to look at the exact UnsatisfiedLinkError..
how to make a jar file that include dll files String LIBEAU libeay32 static Loading DLL try System.loadLibrary ACWRAPPER DLL is loaded from memory catch UnsatisfiedLinkError..
Pinning a Java application to the Windows 7 taskbar MyApplication static void native setAppUserModelID static System.loadLibrary MyApplicationJNI setAppUserModelID And on the native side in..
How to import a class from default package native public double GetProgress int contextId static System.loadLibrary Calc I can put my class in any other package. This class has..
How to pass C structs back and forth to Java code in JNI? corresponding Java class public class MyJavaClass static System.loadLibrary MyJniLibrary private native MyStruct createNewMyStruct private..
How to compile dynamic library for a JNI application on linux? class Hello public native void sayHello static System.loadLibrary hellolib public static void main String args Hello h new Hello.. 823 at java.lang.System.loadLibrary 1028 at Hello. clinit 4 Could not find.. implementation and native interface .c or .cpp . static System.loadLibrary hello will load The implementation header HelloImpl.h..
How to unload dll from java JVM java JVM Hey I need to unload a dll that was loaded with System.loadLibrary .. anyone know if this is possible Thanks java share improve..
Calling a java method from c++ in Android Activity private static String LIB_NAME name static System.loadLibrary LIB_NAME Called when the activity is first created. @Override.. Activity private static String LIB_NAME thelib static System.loadLibrary LIB_NAME Called when the activity is first created. @Override..
JNI Calls different in C vs C++? c new InstanceMethodCall c.nativeMethod static System.loadLibrary InstanceMethodCall What are the differences in which JNI interacts..
SWIG Java Retaining Class information of the objects bouncing from C++ Test #include test.hh pragma java jniclasscode static try System.loadLibrary test catch UnsatisfiedLinkError e System.err.println Native..
JAVAH can't find class( android ndk) tv public native String stringFromJNI static System.loadLibrary hello jni I tryed to start javah from follows pathes PROJECT_DIRECTORY..