

java Programming Glossary: synchronize

Why is Java Vector class considered obsolete or deprecated?


working with concurrency And if I don't want to manually synchronize objects and just want to use a thread safe collection without.. deprecated obsolete share improve this question Vector synchronizes on each individual operation. That's almost never what you.. almost never what you want to do. Generally you want to synchronize a whole sequence of operations. Synchronizing individual operations..

Multiple bouncing balls thread issue


with Vector which would be the simpler solution or synchronize the access to the list around a common monitor lock. Given your..

Easy, simple to use LRU cache in java


by multiple threads the cache must be wrapped with code to synchronize the methods cache Map Collections.synchronizedMap cache share..

What are the differences between ArrayList and Vector?


share improve this question Differences Vectors are synchronized ArrayLists are not. Data Growth Methods Use ArrayLists if there.. access an ArrayList concurrently then we must externally synchronize the block of code which modifies the list either structurally.. element is not a structural modification. Collections.synchronizedList is normally used at the time of creation of the list to..

When to use LinkedList<> over ArrayList<>?


identical to ArrayList. The difference is that Vector is synchronized so it is thread safe. Because of this it is also slightly slower.. Vector in favor of ArrayList since they will probably synchronize explicitly anyway if they care about that. share improve this..

ExecutorService, how to wait for all tasks to finish


not willing to accept a Collection Callable t Do I need to synchronize None of these are strictly on point for your question but they..

JTable design to synchronize with back-end data-structure


design to synchronize with back end data structure I have a JTable which is loaded.. doubt is whether is should keep the data structure synchronized with the changes in the table or should i recreate the DS from..

In Java critical sections, what should I synchronize on?


Java critical sections what should I synchronize on In Java the idiomatic way to declare critical sections in.. is the following private void doSomething thread safe code synchronized this thread unsafe code thread safe code Almost all blocks.. this thread unsafe code thread safe code Almost all blocks synchronize on this but is there a particular reason for this Are there..

How do synchronized static methods work in Java?


do synchronized static methods work in Java If I have a util class with static.. basic data access. I am wondering if making the method synchronized is the right approach to ensure thread safety. I want this.. by a particular class. public class Utils public static synchronized Object getObjectById Class objclass Long id call hibernate..

Is HttpSession thread safe, are set/get Attribute thread safe operations?


Also I was reading on the web that some suggest using synchronized session session.setAttribute abc abc Is this a valid suggestion.. abc Is this a valid suggestion java session thread safety synchronized share improve this question No they are not thread safe.. Are all stateful Web applications broken . You need to synchronize. How HttpSession is not thread safe from Java Ranch might be..

Synchronizing on an Integer value [duplicate]


cache if the value isn't there. The existing code isn't synchronized and could potentially trigger multiple retrieve store operations.. p getFromDataBase id cache.store p What I'd like to do is synchronize the retrieve on the id e.g. if p null synchronized id ..retrieve.. to do is synchronize the retrieve on the id e.g. if p null synchronized id ..retrieve store Unfortunately this won't work because..

How do I simulate a buffered peripheral device with SwingWorker?


convenience. As long as you update your GUI on the EDT and synchronize access to any shared data the latter is equivalent to the former...

How to use wait and notify in Java?


the multiplication is while i creator.getmThreads .length synchronized this try this.wait catch InterruptedException e1 if.. multiplyThread is the notify ..I think I need to use the synchronized differently but I am not sure how. If anyone can help this.. this question To be able to call notify you need to synchronize on the same object. synchronized someObject someObject.wait..

How to synchronize a static variable among threads running different instances of a class in java?


public void incrementCount synchronized Test.class count Synchronize on some other static object. public class Test private static..

Difference between a deprecated and a legacy API?


are fatally flawed and have been deprecated. Item 66 Synchronize access to shared mutable data The libraries provide the Thread.stop..

what java.lang.reflect.Method.isBridge () used for?


Method referred by a 'bridge method'. See Create Frame Synchronize Transfer Control As an example of such a situation consider..

Synchronization of non-final field


thread can run the same synchronized block concurrently. Synchronize on each object on which you need exclusive access to or an object..

What is the difference of Atomic / Volatile / synchronize?


question... but my only point is how Atomic Volatile Synchronize internally works What is the difference between following code.. i i temp 5 I know that two threads can not enter in Synchronize block at the same time.. am i right if this is true than How.. is true than How this atomic.incrementAndGet works without Synchronize and is thread safe And what is difference between internal reading..