

java Programming Glossary: system.setsecuritymanager

cracking singleton with other ways


How does Java's System.exit() work with try/catch/finally blocks?


public static void main String... argv throws Exception System.setSecurityManager new SecurityManager @Override public void checkPermission Permission..

Is there a way for a SecurityManager in java to selectively grant ReflectPermission(“suppressAccessChecks”)?


foo public static void main String args throws Exception System.setSecurityManager new SecurityManager @Override public void checkPermission Permission..

Java RMI AccessControlException: access denied


MalformedURLException if System.getSecurityManager null System.setSecurityManager new RMISecurityManager CreditCardServer ccs new CreditCardServer..

Java: How to test methods that call System.exit()?


protected void setUp throws Exception super.setUp System.setSecurityManager new NoExitSecurityManager @Override protected void tearDown.. @Override protected void tearDown throws Exception System.setSecurityManager null or save and restore original super.tearDown public void..

Java security: Sandboxing plugins loaded via URLClassLoader


PluginSecurityManager psm new PluginSecurityManager System.setSecurityManager psm psm.enableSandbox super.run psm.disableSandbox System.setSecurityManager.. psm psm.enableSandbox super.run psm.disableSandbox System.setSecurityManager old Plugin JAR untrusted MyPlugin.java package test.plugin..

IDE-Style program running


String args SecurityManager sm System.getSecurityManager System.setSecurityManager new SecurityManager @Override public void checkExit int status..

Sandbox against malicious code in a Java application


void run SecurityManager old System.getSecurityManager System.setSecurityManager sm runUntrustedCode sm.disable pass System.setSecurityManager.. sm runUntrustedCode sm.disable pass System.setSecurityManager old private void runUntrustedCode try run the custom class's..

Preventing System.exit() from API


permission.getName throw new ExitTrappedException System.setSecurityManager securityManager private static void enableSystemExitCall System.setSecurityManager..