java Programming Glossary: prop
Calling one JFrame from another using Timer without any buttons frame dialog.setVisible true timer.start public void propertyChange PropertyChangeEvent e String prop e.getPropertyName.. public void propertyChange PropertyChangeEvent e String prop e.getPropertyName if JOptionPane.VALUE_PROPERTY.equals prop.. e.getPropertyName if JOptionPane.VALUE_PROPERTY.equals prop thatsAllFolks public void actionPerformed ActionEvent e count..
Spring application context : access web.xml context-params? context param And I want to assign that value to the bean property as bean ... props prop key compass.engine.connection from.. want to assign that value to the bean property as bean ... props prop key compass.engine.connection from web.xml context param.. assign that value to the bean property as bean ... props prop key compass.engine.connection from web.xml context param prop..
Error : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter.<init>(I)V org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.LocalSessionFactoryBean property name dataSource ref bean dataSource property property name.. property name dataSource ref bean dataSource property property name configLocation value WEB INF classes hibernate.cfg.xml.. property name dataSource ref bean dataSource property property name configLocation value WEB INF classes hibernate.cfg.xml..
Loading a properties file from Java package a properties file from Java package I need to read a properties files.. a properties file from Java package I need to read a properties files that's buried in my package structure in write JUnit test cases and it needs to work in both. java properties file share improve this question When loading the..
Error creating bean with name 'sessionFactory' : MalformedParameterizedTypeException class com.saic.gnosis.dao.ImplementationDao property name dataServiceRepository ref dataServiceRepository property.. name dataServiceRepository ref dataServiceRepository property name implementationDetailRepository ref implementationDetailRepository.. ref implementationDetailRepository property name implementationStrategyFactory ref implementationStrategyFactory..
How to load resource from jar file packaged in a war file? from jar file packaged in a war file I need to load a property file from the jar. The jar is included in war file. Here.. structure my.jar com test myservlet.class WEB INF Now I have written following code in one of my servlet as.. stream getServletContext .getResourceAsStream WEB INF Properties prop new Properties prop.load stream but above..
Exception NoClassDefFoundError for CacheProvider dataSource class org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource property name driverClassName value org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver property.. property name driverClassName value org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver property name url value jdbc oracle thin @IP_Address SID property.. property name url value jdbc oracle thin @IP_Address SID property name username value xxx property name password value xxx..
List of useful environment settings in Java A small GUId app. that shows many system and environment properties. Designed to be compatible with Java 1.4 hence many requirements.. return sorted static String dataPairToTableRow String property Object value String val valueToString property value return.. String property Object value String val valueToString property value return tr th code property code th td val ..
Reading Properties file in Java file in Java I have the following code trying to read a properties file Properties prop new Properties ClassLoader loader.. following code trying to read a properties file Properties prop new Properties ClassLoader loader Thread.currentThread .getContextClassLoader.. InputStream stream loader.getResourceAsStream prop.load stream I get an exception at the last line...
How to set up java logging using a properties file? (java.util.logging) to set up java logging using a properties file java.util.logging I'm having a stupid java logging.. FileInputStream configFile new FileInputStream path to preferences.load configFile LogManager.getLogManager .readConfiguration.. java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler .level ALL The Java prop file parser isn't all that smart I'm not sure it'll handle this...