java Programming Glossary: prompted
Unable to get the subscription information from Google Play Android Developer API REDIRECT_URI client_id CLIENT_ID Select Allow access when prompted. The browser will be redirected to your redirect URI with a..
How to run Java programs by clicking on their icon on Windows? Web Start. Since JotPad is sand boxed the user will be prompted as to whether to create the shortcut. That choice is not offered..
Allowing Java to use an untrusted certificate for SSL/HTTPS connection 61 In a web browser the user is prompted a warning when accessing a HTTPS site with an untrusted certificate..
How to insist that a users input is an int? have a scanner that reads input from the user. The user is prompted to enter an int value between 1 to 150 whole numbers only ...
Java Plug-In launch changes in response to the recent security vulnerability Short answer All applets trusted or sand boxed are now prompted the user is asked permission before loading. Long answer Here..
Privileged operations in netbeans mobility operations such as messaging. By default the user is prompted to confirm each of these operations but I would like to run..
Mutual-authentication with web services a new Java Project. Create a new Web Service Client. When prompted point NetBeans to your saved WSDL file. Import the METRO2.0..
Can a Java Applet use the printer? or if an unsigned applet tries to print the user will be prompted to ask whether to allow permission. Here is some sample code..
Performance of Java matrix math libraries? [closed] Some details below if interested. This experience prompted the following question Do folk have experience with the performance..
What is the best practice for securely storing passwords in Java the ability to enter the credencials only once and not be prompted again. On personal projects I've been using the Preferences.. string with username password. Normally the user would be prompted to enter the username password combination each time the application..
how to Capture https with fiddler, in java FiddlerKeystore alias Fiddler Enter a password when prompted. This should create a file called FiddlerKeystore. Now start..
Seeking clarification on apparent contradictions regarding weakly typed languages means weakly typed. Therefore at some point I have felt prompted to believe that if a language provides a lot of automatic conversions..