

java Programming Glossary: programmer

JComponents not showing up with picture background?


true then it becomes the responsibility on the part of the programmer to fill the content area with a fully opaque color. If it is.. area with a fully opaque color. If it is false then the programmer is free to leave it untouched. So in order to overcome the hassle..

Using “final” modifier whenever applicable in java [closed]


simply narrows down the possibilities that you or the next programmer working on your code will misinterpret or misuse the thought..

Choosing a Java Web Framework now? [closed]


turning to be the best single source for in the trenches programmer info. However I was expecting more info on using a portal cms..

What is null in Java?


can always be cast to any reference type. In practice the programmer can ignore the null type and just pretend that null is merely.. subjective. Some people say that null causes many programmer errors that could've been avoided. Some say that in a language.. Java it's good to use it because you will fail fast on programmer errors. Some people avoid null by using Null object pattern..

Howto unescape a Java string literal in Java


can plainly see from the Java code above I'm really a C programmer Java is anything but my favorite language. I ™m afraid that I..

How to deal with “java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space” error (64MB heap size)


happens to make the default smaller presumably so that the programmer can't create programs that have runaway memory allocation without..

What is a stack trace, and how can I use it to debug my application errors?


quite often I see a question come through where a novice programmer is getting an error and they simply paste their stack trace.. it. This question is intended as a reference for novice programmers who might need help understanding the value of a stack trace...

What is the difference between an int and an Integer in Java and C#?


Joel Spolsky saying something about a particular type of programmer knowing the difference between an int and an Integer in Java..

The case against checked exceptions


of peanuts on it RuntimeException is for things that the programmer did wrong programmer walked off the end of an array Exception.. is for things that the programmer did wrong programmer walked off the end of an array Exception except RuntimeException.. except RuntimeException is for things that are out of the programmer's control disk fills up while writing to the file system file..

Why are static variables considered evil?


are static variables considered evil I am a Java programmer who is new to the corporate world. Recently I've developed an.. used. I've googled about the same and I find that many programmers are fairly against using static variables. I find static variables.. . So why is this oppression for statics prevalent among programmers especially in the world of Java PS please do correct me if..

Are static methods inherited in Java?


static methods inherited in Java I was reading A Programmer ™s Guide to Java SCJP Certification by Khalid Mughal. In Inheritance..

How do I exclude a specific method/constructor from the results of the javadoc Ant task?


for API to be excluded from generation by Javadoc. Programmer would mark a class interface constructor method or field with..

Is String Literal Pool a collection of references to the String Object, Or a collection of Objects


SCJP Tip Line. named Strings Literally and the SCJP Java 6 Programmer Guide by Kathy Sierra co founder of javaranch and Bert Bates..

Java array convention: String[] args vs. String args[]


help. It is from Kathy Sierra's book SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 6 int key int key When declaring an array reference..

(Unknown Source) in Exception stack trace


programmer can identify the problem with the above snippet Programmer realizes on his her own that the method is overloaded and by.. rule the wrong overload gets invoked in this case Programmer uses a good IDE that allows him her to quickly see which method.. the String valueOf char data is indeed the one selected Programmer examines the bytecode ugh The last option is probably the least..

Java Delegates?


Best way to represent a fraction in Java?


James Milhous Oscar Reyes Jason S Francisco Canedo Outlaw Programmer Beska java math fractions share improve this question It..

Java unchecked/checked exception clarification


differ between programmer errors and a expected errors . Programmer errors should never be caught but rather crash early and hard...

Convert static windows library to dll


it didn't maybe i did something wrong I'm Plain Old Java Programmer it basically parses header files and turns SADENTRY SadLoadedMidFiles..