

java Programming Glossary: projectname

Running ANT Programmatically Through Java


file is as follows project basedir . default init name projectName target name init tstamp target target depends init name build.. name build eclipse.refreshLocal depth infinite resource projectName metrics.enable projectName projectName eclipse.build BuildType.. depth infinite resource projectName metrics.enable projectName projectName eclipse.build BuildType full ProjectName projectName..

referencing ant script location from within ant file


That is trunk utilities imported.xml some_resource_file projectName importing.xml works just fine but sometimes we need trunk importing.xml.. importing.xml utilities imported.xml some_resource_file projectName The problem is that imported.xml needs some_resource_file and..

Run bat file in Java and wait 2


.exec cmd k start SQLScriptsToRun.bat UuserName Ppassword projectName final BufferedReader input new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader.. .exec cmd c SQLScriptsToRun.bat UuserName Ppassword projectName k tells cmd œRun that command and then stay open while c says..

Can I set the classloader policy for WebSphere in the ibm-web-bnd.xmi file?


file via ANT ear destfile artifactsDir earName .ear appxml projectName _EAR application.xml fileset dir artifactsDir includes warName.. fileset dir artifactsDir includes warName .war fileset dir projectName _EAR includes deployment.xml ear share improve this answer..