java Programming Glossary: projects
Java: What is the best way to SFTP a file from a server to be the preferred library for a few large open source projects including Eclipse Ant and Apache Commons HttpClient amongst..
'Must Override a Superclass Method' Errors after importing a project into Eclipse a project into Eclipse Anytime I have to re import my projects into Eclipse if I reinstalled Eclipse or changed the location.. if I reinstalled Eclipse or changed the location of the projects almost all of my overridden methods are not formatted correctly.. '. It may be noteworthy to mention this is with Android projects for whatever reason the method argument values are not always..
Eclipse - no Java (JRE) / (JDK) … no virtual machine once Eclipse launched you should register a JDK for your projects especially for Java sources and debugging purposes also in theory..
Netbeans GUI editor generating its own incomprehensible code can also generate a main class in the project. Standard projects use an IDE generated Ant build script to build run and debug..
Representing Monetary Values in Java [closed] Edit As Don mentions in his answer there are open sourced projects like timeandmoney and whilst I applaud them for trying to prevent..
Android/Java — Post simple text to Facebook wall? noticed the icon file caused resource id conflicts with my projects Android 1.5 . My solution is to forget about exporting as a..
How to call SOAP web service in Android have been able to compile and use kSOAP2 in their own projects but I haven't had to. Google has shown to date little interest..
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure conn DriverManager.getConnection jdbc mysql localhost 3306 projects user user1 password 123 Statement st conn.createStatement ResultSet..
A better Java JSON library? [closed] do not have source code of. There are a few open source projects that can convert Java objects to JSON. However most of them..
Can I add jars to maven 2 build classpath without installing them? framework I want to use and I can quickly generate starter projects from that file. However sometimes I want to link to a 3rd party..
How to find a Java Memory Leak general approach still applies. I did quite a number of projects specifically aimed at reducing memory footprint of the applications..
How do I import the javax.servlet API in my Eclipse project? EE . It contains development tools to create dynamic web projects and easily integrate servletcontainers which is part of Web..
Java and SQLite [closed] javasqlite but are there other more prominent projects available java sqlite share improve this question The wiki..
How to monitor the computer's cpu, memory, and disk usage in Java? commercial use but I haven't looked into it. For my GPL projects I will definitely consider SIGAR in the future. For my current..
What's the difference between ConcurrentHashMap and Collections.synchronizedMap(Map)? have serious scalability issues and is discouraged for new projects. But what about the other two What are the differences between..
Connection pooling options with JDBC: DBCP vs C3P0 [closed] http dbcp C3P0 http projects c3p0 I've read a lot about them in blogs and other forums but..
Why does JSF need to save the state of UI components on the server side? session or application scope. I've seen lot of codes and projects which unnecessarily duplicates the entire database table into..
How to set the java.library.path from Eclipse it itself Instead go into the library settings for your projects and for each jar etc that requires a native library expand it..
Android project unable to reference other project in eclipse B to project A's build path Properties Java Build Path Projects Add ... Tick project B in project A's build path export list..
Android Activity ClassNotFoundException - tried everything Right click main project choose Properties Java Build Path Projects Add... this add the Android library Project as a dependency..
Arabic letters giving me output as “??????” encoding for a project Right click a project node in the Projects windows and choose Properties. Under Sources select an encoding..
Problems importing project into Android Studio regarding ActionBarSherlock changed casing I now have my Android Studio Projects under documents Android Workspace As opposed to Eclipse Workspace..
Eclipse Web Project Dependencies application if not checked Finish. Java Build Path Left Projects Tab Add... Select your lib project OK Java Build Path Left Order..
Maven and the JOGL library? improve this question When dealing with JNI and Maven Projects With JNI is the reference one should start with. It covers a..
Build Eclipse Java Project from Command Line this for visual studio devenv.exe build Debug Any CPU C Projects MyProject source MyProject.sln java eclipse command line ..
Can't make JDBC connection to MySQL (using Java, IntelliJ, and Linux) java 6 openjdk jre lib ext dnsns.jar home bedtimes Java Projects db_demo out production db_demo opt java jre lib ext mysql connector..
Java Framework Choice Question decide which framework can be used with what type of Projects Also I am confused with mixed use of framework like Spring JSF... decide which framework can be used with what type of Projects As a personal opinion go for JSF 2.0. See also Sun JSF 2.0 tutorial..
How to create your own library for Android development to be used in every program you write?
Java, How to add library files in netbeans? this question Quick solution in NetBeans 6.8. In the Projects window right click on the name of the project that lacks library..
What are the URLs of all the Maven Archetype catalogs that you know about? archetype catalog.xml file in ~ .m2 repository by default. Projects people just have to run periodically something like mvn archetype..
How to link project in eclipse Right click and go to Properties or hit Ctrl Enter . Under Projects in Java Build Path you can add another project which is currently..
Build and Version Numbering for Java Projects (ant, cvs, hudson) and Version Numbering for Java Projects ant cvs hudson What are current best practices for systematic..
How to import a GIT non-Eclipse Java project into Eclipse? specific .project and .classpath files. Use the New Projects wizard Therefore the project is not recognizes as project and.. Therefore I tried my luck using the option Use the New Projects wizard and select Java Project in the next dialog. The problem.. it to Java project. Here is how First go to File Import... Projects from GIT . In the Select a Git Reposityry view you first press..
Convert static windows library to dll Documents and Settings jb My Documents Visual Studio 2008 Projects dll dll public void actionPerformed ActionEvent e if JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION..
How can I add a “Library Project” in IntelliJ IDEA? What I'm referring to is what they describe here Managing Projects from Eclipse with ADT . They allow you to add a reference to..