java Programming Glossary: propertyname
Bug or feature: Swing default gui font incorrect for Win6+ String methodName Class clazz Object instance String propertyName Object propertyValue try Method method clazz.getDeclaredMethod.. method.setAccessible true method.invoke instance propertyName propertyValue catch NoSuchMethodException SecurityException..
Hibernate Validation of Collections of Primitives element else for Class constraint constraints String propertyName constraint.getSimpleName propertyName Introspector.decapitalize.. constraints String propertyName constraint.getSimpleName propertyName Introspector.decapitalize propertyName violations.addAll validator.validateValue.. propertyName Introspector.decapitalize propertyName violations.addAll validator.validateValue CollectionElementBean.class..
JPA (Hibernate) and custom table prefixes className public String propertyToColumnName String propertyName return propertyName public String tableName String tableName.. String propertyToColumnName String propertyName return propertyName public String tableName String tableName return JBPM5_ tableName.. public String propertyToTableName String className String propertyName return JBPM5_ classToTableName className '_' propertyToColumnName..
How to get jaxb to Ignore certain data during unmarshalling . The XML state looks roughly like filter propertyType propertyName prop1 propertyName propertyValue val1 propertyValue propertyType.. looks roughly like filter propertyType propertyName prop1 propertyName propertyValue val1 propertyValue propertyType propertyType propertyName.. propertyValue val1 propertyValue propertyType propertyType propertyName prop2 propertyName propertyValue val2 propertyValue propertyType..
How to gray-out non-editable cell in jtable? this perfomance protected void firePropertyChange String propertyName Object oldValue Object newValue public void firePropertyChange.. Object newValue public void firePropertyChange String propertyName boolean oldValue boolean newValue public void revalidate public..
Java: how to name boolean properties a getter method to match the pattern public boolean is PropertyName This œis PropertyName code method may be provided instead of.. match the pattern public boolean is PropertyName This œis PropertyName code method may be provided instead of a œget PropertyName code.. PropertyName code method may be provided instead of a œget PropertyName code method or it may be provided in addition to a œget PropertyName..
How to query a web service via POST request in Android? wfs Query typeName ogdwien BAUMOGD ogc Filter ogc BBOX ogc PropertyName SHAPE ogc PropertyName gml Envelope srsName http BAUMOGD ogc Filter ogc BBOX ogc PropertyName SHAPE ogc PropertyName gml Envelope srsName http gml srs epsg.xml#4326.. import net.opengis.filter.v_1_1_0.PropertyNameType import net.opengis.gml.v_3_1_1.DirectPositionType import..