java Programming Glossary: propagation
Why does division by zero with floating point (or double precision) numbers not throw java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero in Java users database systems or even coffee pots. The propagation rules for NaNs and infinities allow inconsequential exceptions..
Open Session In View Pattern to define the entity relationships and especially propagation and transactional settings correctly. If these are not configured..
Using Dynamic Proxies to centralize JPA code 3 Exception handling . Be very careful with the exception propagation in dynamic proxy. The proxy is supposed to be transparent for..
Guidelines on Exception propagation (in Java) on Exception propagation in Java Are there any guidelines on exception propagation in.. propagation in Java Are there any guidelines on exception propagation in Java When do you add an exception to the method signature..
Java event propagation stopped event propagation stopped I have a main window public class MainPanel extends..
How does UserTransaction propagate? to start threads in a Java EE environment. Security propagation works in a similar way as do JNDI lookups which magically point..
Understanding EJB3/JPA container-level transactions and isolation level should be off . Lastly a quick and dirty way to check your propagation is to call the EntityManager.getDelegate method and check the.. thirdEjb.doSomething then you are not getting the expected propagation and each is talking to a different persistence context. On a..
Understanding Spring transactions - What happens when a transactional method calls another transactional method? transaction created. Spring offers all of the transaction propagation options familiar from EJB CMT. To read about the semantics of.. from EJB CMT. To read about the semantics of transaction propagation in Spring see Section 10.5.7 œTransaction propagation java spring.. propagation in Spring see Section 10.5.7 œTransaction propagation java spring transactions share improve this question Two..
calling setters from a constructor setter logic is usually validation and sometimes change propagation to observers. I'd usually expect the constructor parameters.. the start of the method and you wouldn't want any change propagation to occur before an instance is fully created anyway. share..
hibernate+spring+jpa+isolation does not work? Isolation.SERIALIZABLE rollbackFor Exception.class propagation Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW on my service methods but spring complains..