

java Programming Glossary: progressbar

JProgressBar isn't progressing


be blue. If anyone could help code is below. JProgressBar progressBar new JProgressBar 0 ia con.add progressBar BorderLayout.PAGE_START.. JProgressBar progressBar new JProgressBar 0 ia con.add progressBar BorderLayout.PAGE_START con.validate con.repaint progressBar.. BorderLayout.PAGE_START con.validate con.repaint progressBar new JProgressBar 0 ia progressBar.setValue 0 System.out.print..

JProgressBar won't update


class ProgressPane extends JPanel private JProgressBar progressBar public ProgressPane setLayout new GridBagLayout progressBar.. public ProgressPane setLayout new GridBagLayout progressBar new JProgressBar add progressBar public void doWork Worker.. new GridBagLayout progressBar new JProgressBar add progressBar public void doWork Worker worker new Worker worker.addPropertyChangeListener..

Progress Bar Java


using JProgressBar to show progress. But How to show the progressBar as loading from 0 to 100 I got the code from internet and its.. I got the code from internet and its working except the progressBar is not loading. code progressFrame new JFrame frame to display.. progressFrame new JFrame frame to display progress bar progressBar new JProgressBar 0 100 progressBar.setValue 0 progressBar.setStringPainted..

Can a progress bar be used in a class outside main?


JFrame static JFrame progressFrame static JProgressBar progressBar static Container pane double amountSaved 0 int i 0 public void.. JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE progressBar new JProgressBar 0 iterations Add components to pane pane.add.. JProgressBar 0 iterations Add components to pane pane.add progressBar Position controls X Y width height progressBar.setBounds 10..

MVC Progress Bar Threading


e if progress .equals e.getPropertyName _progressBar.setValue Integer e.getNewValue task.execute private class.. swingworker share improve this question Don't call _progressBar.setValue _model.getStatus from within your SwingWorker as this.. JPanel private MVC_Control control private JProgressBar progressBar new JProgressBar private JButton startActionButton new JButton..

Is MVC in Swing Thread Safe


1L private MVC_Control control private JProgressBar progressBar new JProgressBar private JButton startActionButton new JButton.. new BorderLayout 10 10 add buttonPanel BorderLayout.NORTH progressBar.setStringPainted true add progressBar BorderLayout.CENTER myLabel.setIcon.. BorderLayout.NORTH progressBar.setStringPainted true add progressBar BorderLayout.CENTER myLabel.setIcon UIManager.getIcon OptionPane.questionIcon..

jProgressBar update from SwingWorker


update from SwingWorker I use to monitor a long running task.. I use to monitor a long running task by updating a ProgressBar. The long running task is of course performed in a Swingworker.. MySwingWorkerClass extends SwingWorker Void Void private JProgressBar progressBar public MySwingWorker JProgressBar aProgressBar ..

Can't change JProgressBar color in Mac OS look and feel


change JProgressBar color in Mac OS look and feel I know this question has been.. me. I followed the instructions from here How to change JProgressBar color import javax.swing. import java.awt. public class ProgressBarTest.. color import javax.swing. import java.awt. public class ProgressBarTest extends JFrame public static void main String args JFrame..

Android custom ListView unable to click on items


android singleLine true android ellipsize marquee ProgressBar android id @ id UpdateProgress android layout_width fill_parent.. View.VISIBLE cb.setChecked item.isSelected ProgressBar pb ProgressBar row.findViewById R.id.UpdateProgress pb.setVisibility.. cb.setChecked item.isSelected ProgressBar pb ProgressBar row.findViewById R.id.UpdateProgress pb.setVisibility View.GONE..

Full screen videoview without stretching the video


TAG VideoPlayer private SurfaceHolder holder private ProgressBar progressBarWait private ImageView pause private MediaPlayer.. this surfaceViewFrame.setClickable false progressBarWait ProgressBar findViewById R.id.progressBarWait holder surfaceViewFrame.getHolder..

Java GUI JProgressBar not painting


GUI JProgressBar not painting I have a GUI problem that I would like to get.. a class ProgessBar which is a JDialog containing a swing JProgressBar . I have some getters and setters to change the bar to my liking.. the bar to my liking however here comes the issue. The ProgressBar is spawned inside of a method myButtonActionPerformed myButton.addActionListener..

How to capture video using JMF, but without installing JMF


import GlobalUtilities.OS import GlobalUtilities.ProgressBar import GlobalUtilities.FileUtilities import java.io.File import.. class JMFRunner Show the status of operations final ProgressBar theBar new ProgressBar Location where the dll's JMF relies.. Show the status of operations final ProgressBar theBar new ProgressBar Location where the dll's JMF relies on need to be placed final..

Online radio streaming app for Android


import android.widget.Button import android.widget.ProgressBar public class myMain extends Activity implements OnClickListener.. myMain extends Activity implements OnClickListener private ProgressBar playSeekBar private Button buttonPlay private Button buttonStopPlay.. private void initializeUIElements playSeekBar ProgressBar findViewById R.id.progressBar1 playSeekBar.setMax 100 playSeekBar.setVisibility..

Adding multiple JProgressBar to TableColumn of JTable


multiple JProgressBar to TableColumn of JTable I have added multiple JProgressBar.. to TableColumn of JTable I have added multiple JProgressBar to TableColumn of JTable . I am updating all the JProgressBar.. to TableColumn of JTable . I am updating all the JProgressBar with data after making certain calculations but only the last..

Change colors for JProgressBar with Nimbus?


colors for JProgressBar with Nimbus does anyone know how to change the colors for JProgressBar.. Nimbus does anyone know how to change the colors for JProgressBar when you use Nimbus LookAndFeel java swing colors jprogressbar.. the whole nimbusOrange Default Value which change all ProgressBar Colors and any other nimbusOrange . InternalFrame minimize Button..

Designing a splash screen (java)


progress of your application rather than tying the ProgressBar to a WebEngine's loadWorker.workDone property create a JavaFX..

SwingWorker in Java [closed]


emailDialog and creates a new JDialog which will hold the progressbar or in this case a simple JLabel and then it creates and executes..

How to use AsyncTask


call puhlishProgress Integer for example when updating a progressbar when downloading stuff protected void onProgressUpdate Integer.....

Java GUI JProgressBar not painting


instead of waiting until it's useless. java gui swing jprogressbar share improve this question Are you doing whatever takes.. Try performing your task in another thread and update the progressbar from there accordingly. Use SwingUtilities.invokeLater or invokeAndWait.. SwingUtilities.invokeLater or invokeAndWait to update the progressbar though to ensure that the GUI updates happen on the EDT. Otherwise..

External AsyncTask class with ProgressDialog [Update: and returning back?]


What I want is just to have the AsyncTaskTask showing a progressbar an external class. To do this I am passing the context as you..

Java: JProgressBar (or equivalent) in a JTabbedPane tab title


I do something like that EDIT I really do want to put the progressbar in the title of the tab not the tab itself. Here's some ascii.. lot never will it is not my call java swing jtabbedpane jprogressbar share improve this question Enclose the JProgressbar in..

Adding multiple JProgressBar to TableColumn of JTable


is added is getting updated. How can I update all the progressbar The basic requirement is that I am displaying the status of.. requirement is that I am displaying the status of file in progressbar while uploading . Currently I am hardcoding 4 progressbar to.. progressbar while uploading . Currently I am hardcoding 4 progressbar to test if all the progressbars are getting update wrt the status..

Running a JFrame with a JProgressBar


continue in the do processing section java swing jframe jprogressbar share improve this question You've got a classic problem.. given by a SwingWorker object. Then you can update the progressbar if determinant via the SwingWorker's publish process pair. For..

Override previous Console Output


What do i have to do to create this simple progressbar which is shown in a single line and not in 10 seperate lines..