java Programming Glossary: proguard
How do you stop Proguard from removing type parameters? java.lang.Object readResolve java android maven proguard share improve this question According to the ProGuard Typical..
Java obfuscation - ProGuard/yGuard/other? [closed] limit the discussion to that. java java me obfuscation proguard yguard share improve this question Proguard is a better..
Java obfuscators [closed] done initial research into the following Java obfuscators proguard yguard retroguard dasho allatori jshrink smokescreen jobfuscate.. thicket blufuscator and java code protector. I tried proguard and it has a really nice GUI seems really stable and seems to..
hiding strings in Obfuscated code Obfuscated code I just Obfuscated my Android code using proguard and then decompiled it. There are a number of strings I would.. it is pointing to some sort of address. java android proguard share improve this question Assuming you are happy with.. a number of mechanisms you could use but obfuscaters like proguard are not going to be able to help you. To achieve this you will..
Proguard.cfg Missing need Obfuscation in this project... Thanks java android proguard share improve this question If you really don't need Proguard.. the file in your project root folder proguard.config proguard.cfg If you want a proguard.cfg template you.. file in your project root folder proguard.config proguard.cfg If you want a proguard.cfg template you can create a new..
Proguard and reflection in Android and reflection in Android I have just used proguard but classes I am trying to instantiate via reflection are not.. creating the Algorithm class return list Here is my proguard.cnf optimizationpasses 5 dontusemixedcaseclassnames dontskipnonpubliclibraryclasses.. public static e ... java android reflection obfuscation proguard share improve this question SOLVED For others that are having..
Android: ClassNotFoundException when passing serializable object to Activity 532 ... 29 more Please note that I am using proguard that's why the missing class name is . Actually is.. the missing class name is . Actually is the name proguard gave to the class MyObject which is shown below. Any ideia on.. ideia on why this happens I don't think it has to do with proguard because if it was a problem caused by proguard class renaming..
Maven, Proguard and assembly issues plugin plugin groupId com.pyx4me groupId artifactId proguard maven plugin artifactId configuration options option allowaccessmodification.. outputDirectory outputDirectory proguardInclude src main assembly proguard.conf proguardInclude libs.. outputDirectory proguardInclude src main assembly proguard.conf proguardInclude libs lib rt.jar lib libs configuration..
How do you stop Proguard from removing type parameters? removes these issues. I have read through all of the ProGuard usage documents examples and troubleshooting but have been unable.. on how to deal with type parameters or which aspect of ProGuard strips the type parameters. Constructor Type Paremeter Issue.. proguard share improve this question According to the ProGuard Typical Library usage guide The Signature attribute is required..
Java obfuscation - ProGuard/yGuard/other? [closed] obfuscation ProGuard yGuard other closed This is along similar lines as these recent.. However one ends up recommending yGuard and the other ProGuard but neither mention both. I wonder if we could get a comparison.. of the fence. Looking at this comparison chart on the ProGuard website its clearly angled towards ProGuard. But what about..
Embed a JRE in a Windows executable? share improve this question Try to use Avian and ProGuard toolkits. Avian allows to embed lightweight virtual machine.. in you app. Linux MacOS Windows and iOS are supported. And ProGuard allows you to shrink large jar file to prepare to embed. share..
Best Java obfuscator? [closed] can already get far enough. Well you can find here a list. ProGuard is pretty good. I've used it myself but only to minify Java..
Java obfuscators [closed] java obfuscation share improve this question I use ProGuard heavily for all my release builds and I have found it is excellent... across the board haven't had a problem caused by ProGuard since. Though to be fair these were all quite some versions.. also heavily use reflection for a callback implementation. ProGuard has coped with these very well. EDIT We also use DashO Pro for..
Is it really impossible to protect Android apps from reverse engineering? for me would be to optimise and obfuscate the code with ProGuard which is known to work with byte code targeted at Android's.. resistant' Android apps and they recommend the use of ProGuard as part of the overall approach . With regards to 'creative'.. coinciding with Android 2.3 Gingerbread release Integrated ProGuard support ProGuard is now packaged with the SDK Tools. Developers..
How to encrypt HTML+JS assets in Android Phonegap mobile app? working example which I can use. Edit I also investigated ProGuard feature when making final APK package however it is useless..
Easiest way to merge a release into one JAR file to do this manually. So far I've only tried AutoJar and ProGuard both of which were fairly easy to get running. It appears that..
Application works in debug / run from Eclipse, but .APK gives .classNotFoundException when parsing XML layout that contains a custom View installed from an exported .APK. In case this could be a Proguard issue here is my Proguard configuration file. I haven't really.. .APK. In case this could be a Proguard issue here is my Proguard configuration file. I haven't really touched it from default.. haven't really touched it from default as I'm new to using Proguard. My Proguard version is 4.7. optimizationpasses 5 dontusemixedcaseclassnames..
How do you stop Proguard from removing type parameters? do you stop Proguard from removing type parameters I am currently attempting to.. by other code due to the type parameters being removed by Proguard obfuscation. Eliminating the obfuscation removes these issues... compiler error that states error incompatible types Object Proguard.cfg dontoptimize renamesourcefileattribute SourceFile keepparameternames..
Java obfuscation - ProGuard/yGuard/other? [closed] proguard yguard share improve this question Proguard is a better product especially if you take the time to go through.. in size on my application after its been through Proguard. This is mainly to do with the better Zip compression on the..
Compiler optimization: Java bytecode bytecode share improve this question You are aware of Proguard http This is a great bytecode optimizer..
How to protect compiled Java classes? to use it. We use our own string obfuscation before we use Proguard. We also do source code instrumentation we could have done bytecode.. that really makes the software hard to trace . Then we use Proguard which is free to flatten all our OO hierarchy and to obfuscate.. flow is string obfuscation random code flow obfuscation Proguard final .jar that depends on .class that are differently dynamically..
Proguard.cfg Missing Missing I made the mistake of upgrading eclipse today and.. my a new Android project to get going. I get the message Proguard.cfg the file can't be found . Where is this thing I can't seem.. share improve this question If you really don't need Proguard to obfuscate your release builds you can remove the following..
Proguard and reflection in Android and reflection in Android I have just used proguard but classes..
Using serviceloader on android with ant you will still get in trouble if you want to use Proguard which refuses to replace the content of META INF services files.. rename them that's another story the author wants to keep Proguard agnostic . However people using maven may want to check https.. for my own Android projects. It also provides a patch for Proguard 4.7 Hope this helps any feedback is welcome. share improve..
Android: ClassNotFoundException when passing serializable object to Activity reached a conclusion on this issue it was being caused by Proguard or more specifically because I didn't have a propper Proguard.. or more specifically because I didn't have a propper Proguard configuration. It turns out Proguard was changing my Serializable.. didn't have a propper Proguard configuration. It turns out Proguard was changing my Serializable 's classes names which makes Class.forName..
Maven, Proguard and assembly issues Proguard and assembly issues I'm trying to get Maven working with ProGuard...