java Programming Glossary: project.version
How do I add time-stamp information to Maven artifacts? artifact name. build finalName project.artifactId project.version timestamp finalName build And this configuration for maven buildnumber..
Maven + AspectJ - all steps to configure it version 1.0 SNAPSHOT version name project.artifactId project.version name properties UTF 8 groupId artifactId Q12423965 ProjectA artifactId version project.version version dependency dependencies dependencyManagement build.. Q12423965 ProjectA artifactId name project.artifactId project.version name dependencies dependency groupId org.aspectj groupId artifactId..
java.util.NoSuchElementException while starting an OSGi framework programatically token value project.artifactId project.version buildNumber value replacement replacements configuration.. descriptor descriptors finalName project.artifactId project.version buildNumber finalName configuration execution executions..
Generate a file in Maven file will contain the following line myapp.version project.version Then in your pom.xml indicate that the file will be filtered.. it will replace all ... by their value. By default project.version defines the version of the pom.xml i.e. the value of the version..
How to get Maven Artifact version at runtime? runtime I have noticed that in a Maven artifact's JAR the project.version attribute is included in two files META INF maven groupId artifactId..
osgi: Using ServiceFactories? project.artifactId Bundle SymbolicName Bundle Version project.version Bundle Version Export Package project.artifactId .internal..
Convert ivy.xml to pom.xml jars built by ANT project into your Maven repository. ant Dproject.version 0.9.0 local 20120211095554 clean publish I know you don't want.. description Generate POM fail message Unset property project.version unless project.version ivy deliver deliverpattern build.dir.. POM fail message Unset property project.version unless project.version ivy deliver deliverpattern build.dir ivy.xml pubrevision project.version..