

java Programming Glossary: promising

CSV API for Java [closed]


google has found http flatpack.sourceforge.net which looks promising. I just wanted to check what others are using before I couple..

Can anyone recommend a simple Java web-app framework? [closed]


classic asp it's the first java web framework that sounds promising to me.... Edit by original question asker 2011 06 09 Just wanted..

Get current active window's title in Java


you can probably launch some VBScript e.g. this link looks promising . If you're using SWT you may be able to find some undocumented..

Performance ConcurrentHashmap vs HashMap


safe and are willing to live with the restrictions that promising thread safety implies then use ConcurrentHashMap unless testing..

Good XMPP Java Libraries for server side? [closed]


to clients. Is JSO maintained it looks very old. The only promising avenue is to pull apart Openfire which is an entire commercial..

Swing data binding frameworks


any real world experience of new UFaceKit . It looks promising but quite immature. I am particularly interested in Swing implementation..

open source image processing lib in java


have no personal experience with this library but it looks promising. JAI http java.sun.com javase technologies desktop media This..

Adding rows to a JTable


Thanks a lot for your answers. All three of them look very promising but I have to choose only one and I think the best is Guillaume's...

java web start alternative


getdown by threerings. I haven't tried it yet but seems promising http www.threerings.net code getdown share improve this answer..

Access C++ shared library from Java: JNI, JNA, CNI, or SWIG?


methods. I've started playing with SWIG and it's looking promising. It's been fairly easy to use and automatically generates the..

Android: setting a spinner onClickListener()


onClick View v Click code But logCat isnt showing promising results. 10 14 16 09 08.127 INFO System.out 3116 Count 7 10..

Taking contact list from hotmail gmail yahoo in java? [closed]


called Portable Contacts and draft specification looks promising but this is at a very early stage. Anyway I wouldn't Portable..

What CMS runs on Google App Engine? [closed]


not as customizable as I need. Java vosaocms 0.2 Sounds promising but I couldn't run it as I am not familiarized with Java App..

Programmatically convert a video to FLV [closed]


setup involved. I have not used Hey Watch but it looks promising. PandaStream is easy to set up and it works well plus you get..

How to print color in console using System.out.println?


Converting HTML files to PDF [closed]


have an idea EDIT The FlyingSaucer iText thing looks very promising. I will try to go with that. Thanks for all the answers java..

Embedded MongoDB when running integration tests


I have found Embedded MongoDB library which looks quite promising and does what you have asked for. Currently supports the following..

What is the best macro-benchmarking tool / framework to measure a single-threaded complex algorithm in Java? [closed]


new project tailored towards Android apps. Looks young but promising. Depends on Google Guava Commons monitoring not parameterizable..

Is Quercus a viable replacement for PHP in Java environments?


to discover the Quercus project because it looked like a promising path to move our project to a more pure Java environment. I..

Integrating JavaFX 2.0 WebView into a Swing Java SE 6 Application


X. Alternatives I found include MozSwing which looked very promising and feels quite fast actually. Sadly the project is not being..