java Programming Glossary: proper
How to upload a file using Java HttpClient library working with PHP - strange problem returned false however _FILES array was filled with proper data. java php httpclient share improve this question Ok..
bitmap size exceeds Vm budget error android using many bitmaps in your app you need to release them at proper places. To check the orientation of your device please see this..
How do you do a limit query in HQL could sneak in some native SQL. Hibernate 3 however has a proper AST HQL Parser and it's a lot less forgiving. I think Query.setMaxResults..
how to convert byte array to string and vice versa from original byte array values. What can I do to get proper conversion Code I am using to do the conversion is as follows.. problem. java android share improve this question The proper conversion between byte and String is to explicitly state the.. byte and it does not in fact contain text data there is no proper conversion . Strings are for text byte is for binary data and..
Java: splitting a comma-separated string but ignoring commas in quotes if your Strings can contain escaped quotes. In that case a proper CSV parser should be used. Or a bit friendlier for the eyes..
Network listener Android goes off. Can I capture that event I am not getting the proper API or any example which would explain the same. If anyone had..
JDBC MySql Connection Pooling practices hints how to get started with JDBC in webapplications the proper way. Update you don't necessarly need to nest them that deep..
Method name collision in interface implementation - Java for which type of object the call is being made and invoke proper code In C# this is overcome by what is called as explicit interface..
How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files? returned from processing the client's requests into a proper client ready format. Even then this would be better done with.. by adding the following piece to web.xml jsp config jsp property group url pattern .jsp url pattern scripting invalid true.. url pattern scripting invalid true scripting invalid jsp property group jsp config In Facelets the successor of JSP which is..
What's the proper way to test a class with private methods using JUnit? the proper way to test a class with private methods using JUnit How do..
Howto unescape a Java string literal in Java D b B X and R in your patterns and have them actually work properly with Unicode. All I do is rewrite the pattern string it still.. Perl hex escapes x XXX braced may be 1 8 xdigits NB proper Unicode never needs more than 6 as highest valid codepoint is..
How to add JTable in JPanel JPanel contains other components. I have to add JTable at proper position. java swing layout layout manager null layout manager..
Asynchronous IO in Java? maybe it's been changed or is it true async io using a proper select call java networking sockets asynchronous share improve..
The case against checked exceptions it makes it hard to refactor crowd that indicates that the proper level of abstraction wasn't chosen. Rather than declare a method.. summary of the argument is that Programmers wont use them properly and not using them properly is worse than not having them.. that Programmers wont use them properly and not using them properly is worse than not having them . There is some truth to this..
How do I make an http request using cookies on Android? I'd like to make an http request to a remote server while properly handling cookies eg. storing cookies sent by the server and.. but it seems like there must be an easier way. What is the proper way to make http requests on Android while preserving cookies..
How to choose the right bean scope? What is the purpose of each How do I choose a proper scope for my bean java jsf jsf 2 share improve this question..
Difference between <context:annotation-config> vs <context:component-scan> id cBean class bean id aBean class com.yyy.A property name bbb ref bBean property name ccc ref cBean bean Loading.. bean id aBean class com.yyy.A property name bbb ref bBean property name ccc ref cBean bean Loading the context produces the following.. to simplify the XML. First lets autowire the bbb and ccc properties on bean A like so package com.yyy import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired..
Proper use cases for Android UserManager.isUserAGoat()? use cases for Android UserManager.isUserAGoat I was looking..
Proper way of accessing variable Java/Android way of accessing variable Java Android I have multiple classes..
Proper usage of JDBC Connection Pool (Glassfish) usage of JDBC Connection Pool Glassfish I need a database connection..
Available Coroutine Libraries in Java it gives a yield feature that just returns to the invoker. Proper coroutines allow yield s to transfer control to any known coroutine..
Validating input using java.util.Scanner set of features such as hasNextXXX methods for validation. Proper usage of hasNextXXX nextXXX in combination means that a Scanner..
Replace string in file I'm aware of the potential for resource leaks here. Proper resource handling has been omitted in the interest of brevity..
Accessing the last entry in a Map String Integer lastEntry entryList.get entryList.size 1 Proper Solution Since you don't control the insertion order you should..
Java: Check if command line arguments are null void main String args if args 0 null System.out.println Proper Usage is java program filename System.exit 0 However this returns.. were passed in if args.length 0 System.out.println Proper Usage is java program filename System.exit 0 share improve..
Avoid synchronized(this) in Java? getting rid of synchronized this won't solve the problem. Proper synchronization for throughput will take more thought. You are..
Proper usage of Java -D command-line parameters usage of Java D command line parameters When passing a D parameter.. I have tried writing something like this... if System.getProperty test .equalsIgnoreCase true Do something And then calling..
Best way to upload multiple files from a browser to bugs with the Flash Player swfupload known issues . Proper Mac support and upload through proxies with authentication are..
Proper usage of Spring mvc 3 with hibernate (Spring ORM) usage of Spring mvc 3 with hibernate Spring ORM I'm starting..