java Programming Glossary: observable
What goes into the “Controller” in “MVC”? the actual behaviour of the application. These extends Observable and use setChanged and notifyObservers to trigger the views..
Java AWT/SWT/Swing: How to plan a GUI? from the individual SwingWorkers. Do not use the Observer Observable classes but instead favour ChangeListener PropertyChangeListener..
Java MVC - How to divide a done text game into MVC? this.model model model.addObserver this public void update Observable o Object arg update GUI based on model class Model extends Observable.. o Object arg update GUI based on model class Model extends Observable public void next this.notifyObservers ... share improve this..
GUI not working after rewriting to MVC are widely used In the example below Model extends Observable for simplicity. A more common approach uses an EventListenerList.. import java.awt.event.ActionListener import java.util.Observable import java.util.Observer import java.util.Random import javax.swing.Icon.. implements Observer @Override public void update Observable o Object arg if arg null label.setText s icon.color Color.gray..
Observing multiple observables while avoiding instanceof operator in java? un related except for the fact that they both implement Observable. The obvious solution is just to use if instanceof inside the.. you could change you update to. public void update Observable o Object arg try Method update getClass .getMethod o.getClass.. you need to know the exact concrete type of the Observable. However you could change the reflections to allow interfaces..
Do some Android UI stuff in non-UI thread im sure you get the idea public class WorkerThread extends Observable implements Runnable public void run try DoSomething String.. implements Observer private String resp public void update Observable obj Object arg if arg instanceof String resp String arg Write..
How to rotate JXImagePanel? 1L private Image image private double angle 0 private MyObservable myObservable public RotatableImageComponent myObservable new.. Image image private double angle 0 private MyObservable myObservable public RotatableImageComponent myObservable new MyObservable.. MyObservable myObservable public RotatableImageComponent myObservable new MyObservable public RotatableImageComponent Image image..
Why is java.util.Observable not an abstract class? is java.util.Observable not an abstract class I just noticed that java.util.Observable.. not an abstract class I just noticed that java.util.Observable is a concrete class. Since the purpose of Observable is to be.. is a concrete class. Since the purpose of Observable is to be extended this seems rather odd to me. Is there a reason..
How to manage multiple Async Tasks efficiently in Android that allows you to spoof a 'batch' http call. create an Observable collection of AsyncTasks i'll refer to this collection as your..
JFrame isResizable(false) sizing issue the size. Without making it un resizable there is no observable panel contentPane but when isResizable false is used there is..
Updating TableView row appearance the color when the user adds or removes an element from observable list. Is there a way I can force the update of the TableView.. private ObservableList ItemBean itens FXCollections.observableArrayList ... private void configurarTabela colunaCodigo.setCellValueFactory..
Automating unit tests (junit) for Eclipse Plugin development issues the build or should trigger the test generates no observable side effects and returns the value 13 . I've tried everything..
Change private static final field using Java reflection a compile time constant and thus the new value may not be observable Appendix On the bitwise manipulation Essentially field.getModifiers..
Java final modifier shallowly immutable Object mutability is about whether observable state may change. As such declaring attributes final may or..
Observing multiple observables while avoiding instanceof operator in java? multiple observables while avoiding instanceof operator in java If I have an object.. an object that I want to be able to observe several other observable objects not all of the same type. For example I want A to be..
What is the difference between a class and a type in Scala (and Java)? classes but don't have static types. There are several observable differences between types and classes. List String is a type..
Confused with Java Encapsulation Concept any other user of the class being any the wiser. Since the observable behaviour from the outside of the class still hides what the..
How to redirect console content to a textArea in java? question You'll have to redirect System.out to a custom observable subclass of PrintStream so that each char or line added to that..
How to work with swing with multiple classes listen for changes in state. So the model is in effect our observable while the view is the observer import java.beans. public class..
Swing GUI doesn't wait for user input other classes to observe the TestSwing class which is the observable . There are several ways this can be done including Giving TestSwing..
Why is java.util.Observable not an abstract class? this way I found this article which says that The observable is a concrete class so the class deriving from it must be determined.. be forced to determine the class deriving from it. java observable share improve this question As a first approach one could..