java Programming Glossary: object.equals
How to check if my string is equal to null? should be aware of this term in the equals contract From Object.equals Object For any non null reference value x x.equals null should..
Iteration order of HashSet If every object added to a java.util.HashSet implements Object.equals and Object.hashCode in a deterministic fashion is the iteration..
Best practices regarding equals: to overload or not to overload? that we've accidentally overloaded instead of overridden Object.equals Object . If we had written class Thing as follows instead then..
Java dynamic binding and method overriding method is overloaded has a different param type than Object.equals so the method called is bound to the reference type at compile..
Equals method for objects class for your parameter otherwise you're not overriding Object.equals but actually overloading it i.e. providing a different way of..
what is the difference between == operator and equals()? (with hashcode() ???) Object o2 o1 o1 o2 true o2 new Object o1 o2 false the Object.equals method is how do I determine if 2 references to objects that..
The JPA hashCode() / equals() dilemma see there are three options Do not override them rely on Object.equals and Object.hashCode hashCode equals work cannot identify identical..