java Programming Glossary: object.wait
Java Swing : GUI frozen - jstack interpretation Source AWT Shutdown prio 6 tid 0x02b81800 nid 0xefc in Object.wait 0x033af000 java.lang.Thread.State WAITING on object monitor.. WAITING on object monitor at java.lang.Object.wait Native Method waiting on 0x27c707c0 a java.lang.Object at java.lang.Object.wait.. waiting on 0x27c707c0 a java.lang.Object at java.lang.Object.wait 503 at Unknown Source..
IllegalMonitorStateException on wait() call You need to be in a synchronized block in order for Object.wait to work. Also I recommend looking at the concurrency packages.. to work with . Happy coding. EDIT I assumed you meant Object.wait as your exception is what happens when you try to gain access..
How to stop threads in Java? the flag each time they go round a loop. If they're using Object.wait or something similar to be told that there's more work the same..
Why must wait() always be in synchronized block in synchronized block We all know that in order to invoke Object.wait this call must be placed in synchronized block otherwise an..
Thread Dump Analysis Tool / Method [closed] in runnable state only or if waiting on condition and in Object.wait are also important. What's the approach that you would normally..
how to use finally System.exit the thread waiting Thread.suspend synchronized Object.wait Thread.sleep or being otherwise busy endless loops . So a finally..
What does java.lang.Thread.interrupt() do? handle it appropriately. Some methods that block such as Object.wait may consume the interrupted status immediately and throw an.. interrupt handling. Of the top of my head this includes. Object.wait Thread.sleep Most java.util.concurrent structures Java NIO but..
How do I schedule a task to run at periodic intervals? the specified period assuming the system clock underlying Object.wait long is accurate . Fixed rate execution is appropriate for recurring..
Extremely simple code not working in HtmlUnit Finalizer daemon prio 10 tid 0x09503400 nid 0x534e in Object.wait 0x70798000 java.lang.Thread.State WAITING on object monitor.. WAITING on object monitor at java.lang.Object.wait Native Method waiting on 0x76af2ff0 a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.. Handler daemon prio 10 tid 0x09501c00 nid 0x534d in Object.wait 0x707e9000 java.lang.Thread.State WAITING on object monitor..
AsyncTask keeps waiting? of one of the AsyncTask it's the same for all of them Object.wait long int line not available native method Thread.parkFor long..
Java scheduler which is completely independent of system time changes Sytem time changes backward which also impacts very basic Object.wait Thread.sleep methods. It becomes too risky to keep Java App..