java Programming Glossary: object.getclass
Reflection generic get field value field com....fieldName to java.lang.String Field field object.getClass .getDeclaredField fieldName field.setAccessible true Class targetType..
Using Dynamic Proxies to centralize JPA code newInstance Object object return Proxy.newProxyInstance object.getClass .getClassLoader object.getClass .getInterfaces new DAOProxy.. Proxy.newProxyInstance object.getClass .getClassLoader object.getClass .getInterfaces new DAOProxy object @Override public Object invoke.. em emf.createEntityManager Method entityManagerSetter object.getClass . getDeclaredMethod Constants.ENTITY_MANAGER_SETTER_METHOD..
Right way to implement equals contract checks. if object this return true if object null getClass object.getClass return false Property checks. User other User object if name..
How to implement PriorityBlockingQueue with ThreadPoolExecutor and custom tasks return 1 high priority if object null o.object null if object.getClass .equals o.object.getClass if object instanceof Comparable.. object null o.object null if object.getClass .equals o.object.getClass if object instanceof Comparable return Comparable object..
Java N-Tuple implementation check either obj instanceof Tuple or this.getClass .equals object.getClass . The equals idiom is well documented. There's no way to view..
Any way to Invoke a private method? objectName object someObject else object this method object.getClass .getMethod methodName Class null If the method provided is private.. Modifying the last bit of the posted code method object.getClass .getDeclaredMethod methodName method.setAccessible true Object..