java Programming Glossary: objective
Can we run Java applictions on iPhone? have a compiler that will compile your java code down to Objective C code. There are several solutions that do exactly that Codename.. a Mac. XMLVM a translator to convert Java bytecode to C Objective C. Open source but requires writing iOS specific code at the..
Application is using Java 6 from Apple instead of Java 7 from Oracle on Mac OS X? technical issue you are facing is Apple's native Objective C based JavaAppLauncher binary and the format it uses in Info.plist..
Good XMPP Java Libraries for server side? [closed] JSO Smack JavaScript strophe.js xmpp4js Lisp cl xmpp Objective C xmppframework Perl AnyEvent XMPP PHP Lightr xmpphp Python..
Named Parameter idiom in Java in Java especially for constructors I am looking for an Objective C like syntax and not like the one used in JavaBeans. A small..
Crossplatform iPhone / Android code sharing each device. Existing iPhone code base porting of C C and Objective C to the Android NDK or otherwise. Yes of course in a perfect..
Why use inheritance at all? [closed] not clearly incorrect to do so. But other languages like Objective C and Ruby offer both classical inheritance and very convienient..
File.listFiles() mangles unicode names with JDK 6 (Unicode Normalization issues) mentions OS X specifically. See Apple's Tech Q A QA1235 in Objective C unfortunately for information on converting forms. A recent..
Is there a good Java to Objective-C converter? [closed] there a good Java to Objective C converter closed Is there a good Java to Objective C converter.. to Objective C converter closed Is there a good Java to Objective C converter java objective c ios porting share improve this.. command line tool from Google that translates Java code to Objective C for the iOS iPhone iPad platform. This tool enables Java code..
How to internationalize a Java web application? application. Any Suggestions Please Please guide me. My Objective My main objective is to develop a Web Application for Translation..
Swing , Multiple Screens , Transfer of control The screen 2 will be displayed 2.Hai will be printed. My Objective I want to display hai only when a button from screen 2 is clicked..
Differences between Java interfaces and Objective-C protocols? between Java interfaces and Objective C protocols I know Java and now I'm learning Objective C. What.. Objective C protocols I know Java and now I'm learning Objective C. What exactly are the differences between Java interfaces.. exactly are the differences between Java interfaces and Objective C protocols java objective c share improve this question..
Exception Vs Assertion personal preference to some extent. There can certainly be objective arguments for and against assertions but it's not sufficiently..
Benefits and drawbacks of method chaining and a possibility to replace all void return parameters by the object itself implemented as chainable There must be some obvious and objective drawback in chaining. Because if all methods are chainable I..
Java 3D plot library? [closed] on visualization of some financial stuff in java the main objective is to take some input from the stock market run it through a..
How can I make my AES encryption identical between Java and Objective-C (iPhone)? Java and Objective C iPhone I am encrypting a string in objective c and also encrypting the same string in Java using AES and.. all about. Do you know Using a key of 1234567890123456 The objective c code to encrypt is the following NOTE it is a NSData category.. finally return encrypted The hex output of the objective c code is 7a68ea36 8288c73d f7c45d8d 22432577 9693920a 4fae38b2..
Crossplatform iPhone / Android code sharing to know how other people are avoiding it. java c iphone objective c android share improve this question In my experience you..
Port iPhone application to Android versions of their existing iPhone apps Thanks java iphone objective c android share improve this question There's nothing of..
How to call a method after a delay to call the following method after a specified delay. In objective c there was something like self performSelector @selector DoSomething..
Is there a good Java to Objective-C converter? [closed] Is there a good Java to Objective C converter java objective c ios porting share improve this question https
How to internationalize a Java web application? Suggestions Please Please guide me. My Objective My main objective is to develop a Web Application for Translation English to Arabic..
How to install jars in maven repository which is eclipse embedded? jars in maven repository which is eclipse embedded My objective is to install jar file in the Maven repository. From the below..
Convert cron expression into nice description strings? Is there a library for JAVA and Objective-C? C based Iphone project. See here for the usecase. java objective c datetime cron cronexpression share improve this question..
How to add a new line of text to an existing file in Java? Please any suggestions are highly appreciated The final objective is appending some text at the end of the contents of a file..
Graphing the pitch (frequency) of a sound pitch share improve this question Frequency an objective metric is not the same as pitch a subjective quantity . In general..
Get term frequencies in Lucene I would look for a better algorithm to achieve my objective or provide better hardware&mdash lots of memory either to hold..
Build and Version Numbering for Java Projects (ant, cvs, hudson) buildnumbers from differing releases Question What is the objective behind a build number Is it used for QA How Is it used primarily..
What's the best way of learning iPhone programming when coming from Java? the brain. What are your learning strategies java iphone objective c cocoa share improve this question Stanford University..
What is the Java equivalent of Objective-C's NSDictionary? Object but I'm very new to Objective C. Thanks java objective c hashmap nsdictionary share improve this question NSDictionary..
Need to generate HMAC SHA256 hash in Objective C as in Java but it didn't work. Any suggestions are most welcome java objective c hash hmac share improve this question You need to fix..
Differences between Java interfaces and Objective-C protocols? between Java interfaces and Objective C protocols java objective c share improve this question First off a little historical..