java Programming Glossary: object..
Html.ImageGetter TextView mDrawable @Override protected Bitmap doInBackground Object... params String source String params 0 mDrawable LevelListDrawable..
How can I get the SQL of a PreparedStatement? private static ResultSet runSQLResultSet String sql Object... queryParams It opens a connection builds a PreparedStatement..
Difference between double… and double[] in formal parameter type declaration may surprise you. Consider this example static void count Object... objs System.out.println objs.length count null null null prints.. T... java.util.PrintStream.printf String format Object... args java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke Object obj Object... args.. Object... args java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke Object obj Object... args On array declarations Please please do not make a habit..
Can I pass an array as arguments to a method with variable arguments in Java? The underlying type of a variadic method function Object... args is function Object args . Sun added varargs in this manner..
Why does String.valueOf(null) throw a NullPointerException? example of the latter is the following static void vararg Object... os System.out.println os.length Then we can have the following..
Difference between Statement and PreparedStatement static void setValues PreparedStatement preparedStatement Object... values throws SQLException for int i 0 i values.length i preparedStatement.setObject..
Java N-Tuple implementation tuple values are provided public Tuple createTuple Object... values public class DefaultFactory public static TupleType.. getNthType int i return types i public Tuple createTuple Object... values if values null types.length 0 values null values.length..
The Guava library for java; what are its most useful and/or hidden features [closed] Object Object null safe equals. Objects.hashCode Object... easy way to get a hash code based on multiple fields of your..
Fastest way to read a file line by line with 2 sets of Strings on each line?
Java “params” in method signature? but with an ellipsis ... after the type public void foo Object... bar for Object baz bar System.out.println baz.toString The..
AsyncTask.executeOnExecutor() before API Level 11 AsyncTask Object Object Void protected Void doInBackground Object... params for Object param params Object rtnObj doIntenseJob param.. rtnObj return null protected void onProgressUpdate Object... progress for Object rtnObj progress updateActivityUI rtnObj..
Renaming openconnection() or cutting it up? Class#getMethod String Class... Method#invoke Object Object... The potential exceptions you'll have to deal with somehow from..
How to create Java method that accepts variable number of arguments? convenience method public PrintStream print String format Object... arguments return System.out.format format arguments But as.. format directly. Varargs PrintStream#format String format Object... args PrintStream#printf String format Object... args share..