java Programming Glossary: obviously
Most elegant way to generate prime numbers too concerned about speed although I don't want it to be obviously inefficient. I don't mind which method is used naive or sieve..
Drawing a rectangle that won't disappear in next paint issue was able to resize the window without and issue or obviously slow down... public class MyPanel extends JPanel private List..
Making a OneToOne-relation lazy explanation. many to one associations and one to many obviously do not suffer from this issue. Owner entity can easily check..
Swing animation running extremely slow I'm trying to match the Car objects to the JPanels but I'm obviously doing a cra y job. I suspect that I'm doing something insanely..
How to handle invalid SSL certificates with Apache HttpClient? https uses a self signed certificate which obviously isn't contained in the default set of trust managers. You'll..
ResultSet to Pagination with the value of rowcount . The previous button should obviously decrement the value of firstrow with the value of rowcount ...
Why filename in java should be same as class name? called after any operation has been executed. There are obviously exceptions to everything and many Getters are actually critical..
Converting ISO8601-compliant String to java.util.Date 100 System.out.println ISO8601DATEFORMAT.parse date which obviously isn't that nice. Am I missing something or is there a better..
How to retrieve and display images from a database in a JSP page? mapping Plain vanilla requests such as image links are obviously GET thus just do the thing in doGet content blob contentType..
What are the pros and cons of the assorted Java web frameworks? [closed] as well it seems. Tapestry is a great product but it is obviously very different from the others in terms of development model.. still has an unfinished feel to it although the product is obviously very flexible. I use it and have some fondness for it with great..
How to use to fire and handle HTTP requests? by default set it to Java 1.6.0_19 where the last part is obviously the JRE version. You can override this as follows connection.setRequestProperty..
TreeMap sort by value
JPA CascadeType.ALL does not delete orphans Hibernate specific tag but obviously I don't want to tie my solution into a hibernate implementation...
Java Swing: Displaying images from within a Jar just fine. But after creating a jar the path to the image obviously gets screwed up. Is there a way to extract an image from the..
Parse any date in Java in Java I know this question is asked quite a bit and obviously you can't parse any arbitrary date. However I find that the..
What's wrong with overridable method calls in constructors? at default. You can provide more constructor overloads but obviously the number would explode as the number of parameters grow and..
Java, how to draw constantly changing graphics constantly changing graphics Have not done this before so obviously I suck at it. Here 64 pixels around current mouse position get..
What is the difference between Class.getResource() and ClassLoader.getResource()? as doing getClass .getClassLoader .getResource . But it is obviously not. Could someone please provide me with some illumination..
How to clone ArrayList and also clone its contents? list clone.add item.clone return clone For that to work obviously you will have to get your Dog object to implement the Cloneable..
How to maintain JTable cell rendering after cell edit unfortunately did not work... Am I missing something... Obviously but what java swing jtable tablecellrenderer tablecelleditor..
Is a Java hashmap really O(1)? many algorithms that approach O 1 average case efficiency. Obviously you're right in that all algorithms have the potential for collisions..
Android custom ListView unable to click on items And here's the class that extends the ListActivity. Obviously it's still in development so forgive the things that are missing..
JTable model listener detects inserted rows too soon (before they are drawn) just below the end of the pane out of visibility . Obviously this approach is wrong somehow. What is the correct approach..
Android: Specify two different images for togglebutton using XML getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.locate_me Obviously I'm looking for a better way to do this. I've tried to make..
How to turn off the Eclipse code formatter for certain sections of Java code? FOO BAR BAZ FROM ABC WHERE BAR 4 START ECLIPSE FORMATTING Obviously one solution is to have our team members standardize on some..
Why should I care that Java doesn't have reified generics? of things that he could have achieved were they there. Obviously because raw types are allowable in Java and unsafe checks it..
How to load a jar file at runtime file while my code is running or how do I load a new jar Obviously since constant up time is important I'd like to add the ability..
Java - when to use 'this' keyword this.someBarArray this.someIndex .getSomeNumber Obviously a poor bit of code but it illustrates my example. Is it just..
File Upload with Java (with progress bar) multipart form data POST request but with a progress bar . Obviously the user has to grant permission to the Java applet to access..
How to get the path of a running JAR file? .getCodeSource .getLocation .getPath Obviously this will do odd things if your class was loaded from a non..
Howto unescape a Java string literal in Java If not can I obtain such functionality from some library Obviously the Java compiler has to do this conversion. java share improve..
Where do Java and .NET string literals reside? at runtime string now DateTime.Now.ToString .Intern Obviously a string that is interned at runtime resides on the heap but..
In Java Swing how do you get a Win32 window handle (hwnd) reference to a window? f.getPeer .getHWnd 0 Caveats This uses a sun. package. Obviously this is not public API. But it is unlikely to change and I think..
Easy way to write contents of a Java InputStream to an OutputStream the contents of an InputStream to an OutputStream in Java. Obviously the byte buffer code isn't difficult to write but I suspect..
Does subclasses inherit private fields? answers here surrounds the definition of Inheritance. Obviously as @DigitalRoss explains an OBJECT of a subclass must contain..
Performance of Java matrix math libraries? [closed] . Fortran is using Atlas BLAS routines dpotrf etc. . Obviously this could depend on our code in each language but we believe..
A rotated square panel in Java GUI JPanel that is of square shape but rotated 90 degrees. Obviously there will be a top level container which contains this panel..
JAR Bundler using OSXAdapter causing application to lag or terminate chunks gui.addRow object Simulating the adapter. Obviously the real thingy wouldn't have a reference to the controller..
How are SSL certificate server names resolved/Can I add alternative names using keytool? server to communicate with several servers using HTTPS. Obviously we don't want to buy SSL certificates for every server there..