java Programming Glossary: oasis
Xpath transformation not working in java particular element. samlp AuthnRequest xmlns samlp urn oasis names tc SAML 2.0 protocol Version 2.0 IssueInstant 2012 05.. IssueInstant 2012 05 22T13 40 52 390 ProtocolBinding urn oasis na mes tc SAML 2.0 bindings HTTP POST AssertionConsumerServiceURL.. xyz UserID testing text testing saml Issuer xmlns saml urn oasis names tc SAML 2.0 assertion http localhost 8080 saml SProvider.jsp..
JAX-WS - Adding SOAP Headers WSEC5509E A security token whose type is http docs.oasis wss 2004 01 oasis 200401 wss username token profile.. token whose type is http docs.oasis wss 2004 01 oasis 200401 wss username token profile 1.0#UsernameToken is required...
JAX-WS client : what's the correct path to access the local WSDL? . Here's jax ws catalog.xml catalog xmlns urn oasis names tc entity xmlns xml catalog prefer system system systemId..
parse google geocode with xstream ON Canada address AddressDetails Accuracy 8 xmlns urn oasis names tc ciq xsdschema xAL 2.0 Country CountryNameCode CA CountryNameCode..