java Programming Glossary: occasional
Considering object encapsulation, should getters return an immutable property? That said most properties I create are mutable. An occasional user botches this up but then again it's his her fault since..
Technique or utility to minimize Java “warm-up” time? subsequent messages have ~250 microseconds latency with occasional outliers. It's generally understood that this is typical behavior..
Java Runtime Performance Vs Native C / C++ Code? 15 I pulled these numbers out of thin air I have read the occasional blog stating that Java code is nearly as fast as native code.. general rule of thumb to remember 10 15 I have read the occasional blog stating that Java code is nearly as fast as native code..
Why did java have the reputation of being slow? [closed] are jokes about it . I am not a great java user the only occasional use I have is for applets which are indeed quite slow even on..
Freetts problem in Java the free text to speech engine for Java was getting occasional errors LINE UNAVAILABLE Format is ... Turns out there is no..
Occasional InterruptedException when quitting a Swing application i7 thus plenty of real concurrency available. Now I'm occasionally getting the following error when quitting System.exit 0 an.. hardware and it has to do with threads and it happens occasionally it's obviously some kind of timing thing. But the problem.. System.exit 0 . So it should be pretty clean now but the occasional exception still happens. It happens after the System.exit 0..
Reading streams from java Runtime.exec process. While this works most of the time I get the occasional window of about 2 minutes or so where I get the processExitCode..
How do I cure the cause of Hibernate exception “IllegalArgumentException occurred while calling setter”? while calling setter&rdquo How do I cure the cause of the occasional exception IllegalArgumentException occurred while calling setter..
Calculating difference in dates in Java to divide by 86400000... with the caveat that there is an occasional leap second every other year or so. share improve this answer..
Java ReentrantReadWriteLocks - how to safely acquire write lock? structure is large and read by many threads at once with occasional modifications to small parts of it so it seems to fit the read..
Investigation of optimal sleep time calculation in game loop with about 1 2 ms from target sleep. However you get occasional bursts of extra 10 20 ms of sleep time. This causes my game.. 2 ms of sleep inconsistency but it won't help against the occasional bursts of 10 20 ms of sleep inconsistency since this often results..
Meaning of java.lang.ClassCastException: someClass incompatible with someClass someClass incompatible with someClass I was experiencing occasional exceptions in XPages application java.lang.ClassCastException..
AWT custom rendering - capture smooth resizes and eliminate resize flicker However during frame resizes it has 2 drawbacks There is occasional flicker especially on rapid resizes The smooth resize hack which.. is released Also but not so evident here it does throw occasional IllegalStateExceptions is it OK to simply catch ignore these..
Swing UIManager.getColor() keys keys for Swing I can't seem to find it online just occasional references to strings like Panel.background and Table.selectionBackground..
Efficiency of Java “Double Brace Initialization”? felt the syntax should be clear though I'd recommend an occasional comment especially if your code will pass on to developers who..