java Programming Glossary: obtain
Java Hashmap: How to get key from value? done. Once you can ensure that use the entrySet method to obtain the set of entries mappings in the Map. Once you have obtained.. the set of entries mappings in the Map. Once you have obtained the set whose type is Map.Entry iterate through the entries.. comparing the stored value against the expected and obtain the corresponding key . Update #2 Support for bidi maps with..
How to get the insert ID in JDBC? in my case using JDBC in Java. At the same time I want to obtain the insert ID. How can I achieve this using JDBC API java jdbc.. new SQLException Creating user failed no generated key obtained. finally if generatedKeys null try generatedKeys.close catch.. do so directly after the INSERT in the same transaction to obtain the last generated key. See also this answer . share improve..
Populating child dropdownlists in JSP/Servlet item of the 1st dropdown as request parameter let it obtain the associated values of the 2nd dropdown from the database.. item of the 1st dropdown as request parameter let it obtain the associated values of the 2nd dropdown from the database..
JDBC MySql Connection Pooling practices the application stops with the following RAR5117 Failed to obtain create connection from connection pool mysql_testPool . Reason..
How can I programmatically obtain the number of the Android phone with the API? can I programmatically obtain the number of the Android phone with the API Is there a way..
Java connectivity with MySQL dataSource.setServerName and then obtain connections from it same as above Connection conn dataSource.getConnection..
Howto unescape a Java string literal in Java a function inside the Java API that does this If not can I obtain such functionality from some library Obviously the Java compiler..
Browser can't access/find relative resources like CSS, images and links when calling a Servlet which forwards to a JSP not to hardcode the context path. Very reasonable. You can obtain the context path in EL by pageContext.request.contextPath ... with the scheme http https etc . There's no neat way to obtain the base context path in plain EL so we need a little help of..
JSP using MVC and JDBC ignore return products A servlet class which obtains the list and puts it in the request scope. protected void doGet.. catch SQLException e throw new ServletException Cannot obtain products from DB e Finally a JSP file in WEB INF products.jsp..
Swing: Obtain Image of JFrame Obtain Image of JFrame How do I obtain a java.awt.Image of a JFrame I want to obtain a screen shot.. How do I obtain a java.awt.Image of a JFrame I want to obtain a screen shot of a JFrame for later use within my application.. to painting themselves onto the screen. Is there a way to obtain these images from the component java image swing screenshot..
JSF2.0 doesn't support cross-field validation, is there a workaround? it before the to be validated components then you can obtain the submitted values inside the validator by UIInput#getSubmittedValue.. are already converted and validated and you should obtain them by UIInput#getValue or maybe UIInput#getLocalValue in case..
How to find a button source in AWT (calculator homework) engine ArrayList JButton controls SwingCalculator obtain a reference to the JS engine engine new ScriptEngineManager..
How do I accept a self-signed certificate with a Java HttpsURLConnection? nil. It's also not a trivial operation on UNIX I have to obtain access rights to modify the JRE in this way. I've also seen..
Perfoming Cartesian product on arrays worklist.remove worklist.add cartesianProduct first second Obtain the result. int result worklist.remove The problem with this..
Which maven dependencies to include for spring 3.0? post on the Spring Blog from Keith Donald detailing howto Obtain Spring 3 Aritfacts with Maven with comments detailing when you'd..
How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files? IOException try List Product products productService.list Obtain all products. request.setAttribute products products Store products..
How is the return-value of SessionContext.getBusinessObject() different from 'this' keyword used in the bean? is described in the docs as follows Obtain an object that can be used to invoke the current bean through..
Get database connection from a Connection Pool response throws ServletException IOException try Obtain Connection InitialContext initialContext new InitialContext..
Java tool/method to force-kill a child process The workaround I have finally managed to find was to Obtain the child's PID upon its creation This can be done in Windows..
How to set the content type on the servlet
Swing: Obtain Image of JFrame Obtain Image of JFrame How do I obtain a java.awt.Image of a JFrame..
Should I avoid the use of set(Preferred|Maximum|Minimum)Size methods in Java Swing?
Integrating JavaFX 2.0 WebView into a Swing Java SE 6 Application webView.setMinSize 300 300 webView.setMaxSize 300 300 Obtain the webEngine to navigate WebEngine webEngine webView.getEngine..
Fastest way to iterate over all the chars in a String int i 0 i len i if reusable i ' ' doThrow return len Obtain a new copy of char from String int newMethod1 final String data.. for int i 0 i len i if copy i ' ' doThrow return len Obtain a new copy of char from String but use FOR EACH int newMethod2..
using checkbox to filter contacts and get phone number savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.contact_manager Obtain handles to UI objects mContactList ListView findViewById int mContactList.setAdapter adapter Obtains the contact list for the currently selected account. @return..