java Programming Glossary: obscure
Java: How to draw non-scrolling overlay over ScrollPane Viewport? I'm sure I'm missing possibilities ranging from obvious to obscure and elegant that an experienced person would know. I'm open..
Standard concise way to copy a file in Java? reliable open source utility package that would at least obscure this underlying implementation and provide a one line solution..
Auto-wiring a List using util schema gives NoSuchBeanDefinitionException share improve this question This is due to a rather obscure part of @Autowired's behaviour specified in 3.11.2. @Autowired..
How to reference a generic return type with multiple bounds unknownFooBarContainer This is just one fairly obscure use case. There would be pretty far ranging implications for..
Java obfuscators [closed] excellent. I can't recommend it enough I have encountered obscure bugs caused by it's optimizations on several occasions and I..
What is the difference between swing and awt? can lead to ridiculous results such as native buttons that obscure everything else in the dialog box in which they reside because..
hiding strings in Obfuscated code share improve this question Assuming you are happy with obscure rather than secure there a number of mechanisms you could use..
Java generics and array initialization generics share improve this question There seems to be obscure cases where you could inadvertently cause a ClassCastException..
Java: How to Implement Iterable work for Object profile m_PC do stuff This is a pretty obscure corner case of Java generics. If not please provide some more..
Start Mail-Client with Attachment? The JDIC project is dead and the JMAPI project is rather obscure in the building process. Needs 1.4 Mozilla Sources And I have..
Why is it “Easier to ask forgiveness than permission” in python, but not in Java? [closed] risk that your code will catch the wrong NPEs and thereby obscure bugs. This is the same reasoning as for why it is usually a..
The case against checked exceptions the protocol you're not using the API properly. In some obscure languages the return type is part of the protocol too. If you..
JFreechart series tool tip above shape annotation in Layer.BACKGROUND . As shown below the circle does not obscure the tool tip at 20 20 . Note also how 10 10 is not affected.. 10 is not affected by the line annotation while 30 30 is obscured by the arc. import java.awt.BasicStroke import java.awt.Color..
JFormattedTextField issues MASK.length spaces. This value is valid if a little obscure. Addendum I've updated the code below to allow changing the..
Java graphics - Stages of a game the corner are several spiky death pits of performance and obscure non cross platform compatible tweaks You have to figure out..
Hiding instance variables of a class in mind in doing this. Though I agree that it is a rather obscure concept and would probably bad practice in general. java oop..
Efficiency of Java “Double Brace Initialization”? light on the mechanism Third question Is this idiom too obscure to use in production code Summary Very very nice answers thanks.. down class loading a bit and makes the code a tad more obscure I'd probably shy away from it. However I plan to spring this..