java Programming Glossary: obj1
A Mechanism for having different equals (physical equals and logical equals) on objects in Collection comparison plus commparison of objects based on return obj1.propertyX obj2.propertyX and still I could do list1.equals.. I could do list1.equals list2 so they use default equals obj1 obj2 and this would be only true if contained objects are exactly..
How to pass elements of an arrayList to variadic function the legal calls are doSomething Empty array doSomething obj1 One element doSomething obj1 obj2 Two elements doSomething new.. Empty array doSomething obj1 One element doSomething obj1 obj2 Two elements doSomething new Object obj1 obj2 Two elements.. doSomething obj1 obj2 Two elements doSomething new Object obj1 obj2 Two elements but passed as array One caveat Vararg calls..
How to add checkbox to JTree node to manage multiselection? boolean isDescendant TreePath path1 TreePath path2 Object obj1 path1.getPath Object obj2 path2.getPath for int i 0 i obj2.length.. Object obj2 path2.getPath for int i 0 i obj2.length i if obj1 i obj2 i return false return true public void setSelectionPaths..
How to avoid Dependency Injection constructor madness? to look like this public MyClass Container con SomeClass1 obj1 SomeClass2 obj2.... with ever increasing parameter list. Since..
Change Name of Import in Java, or import two classes with the same name specifying a fully qualified named. I.e. private ClassName obj1 null private com.yourpackage.second.ClassName obj2 null share..
How to use Comparator in Java to sort double price this.price price public int compare Object obj1 Object obj2 Integer p1 People obj1 .getid Integer p2 People.. int compare Object obj1 Object obj2 Integer p1 People obj1 .getid Integer p2 People obj2 .getid if p1 p2 return 1 else..
Sorted List in Java List contains collection of objects like this List list1 obj1 obj2 obj3 ..... I need the final list which has lowest value..
Apache Commons equals/hashCode builder false to be fair commons lang has an ObjectUtils.equals obj1 obj2 method with identical semantics which could be used instead..
Java, Classpath, Classloading => Multiple Versions of the same jar/project ClassLoader loaderB new MyClassLoader libPathTwo Object1 obj1 loaderA.loadClass true Object2 obj2..
A Mechanism for having different equals (physical equals and logical equals) on objects in Collection l1 l2 new Equalator @Override public boolean equals Obj1 Obj2 Default lists comparison plus commparison of objects based..
concat multiple JSONObjects jso2 are some JSONObjects already instantiated JSONObject Obj1 JSONObject jso.get Object1 JSONObject Obj2 JSONObject jso.get.. jso.get Object2 So in this situation I'd like to combine Obj1 and Obj2 either to make a totally new JSONObject or concat one.. with two keys Object1 and Object2 you can do JSONObject Obj1 JSONObject jso1.get Object1 JSONObject Obj2 JSONObject jso2.get..
what is the difference between == operator and equals()? (with hashcode() ???) public class Main public static void main String args Obj1 one new Obj1 Obj1 two new Obj1 is this calling hashCode in backend.. Main public static void main String args Obj1 one new Obj1 Obj1 two new Obj1 is this calling hashCode in backend if one.. Main public static void main String args Obj1 one new Obj1 Obj1 two new Obj1 is this calling hashCode in backend if one two..