java Programming Glossary: facilities
Any clever ways of handling the context in a web app? application to be myapp . The Servlet API and JSP have facilities to help manage this. For example if in a servlet you do response.sendRedirect..
Spring MVC type conversion : PropertyEditor or Converter? found any simple way annotations or other programmatic facilities to do it in a controller nothing like someSpringObject.registerCustomConverter..
What is the correct way of overriding hashCode () and equals () methods of persistent entity?
Multi part upload file servlet API the standard Servlet API didn't provide any builtin facilities to parse them. The normal form fields are also not available..
How should I connect to a MySQL data source from Eclipse? in question. It will provide you connection pooling facilities which will greatly improve performance. Also a common practice..
Servlets: doGet and doPost on fresh new Servlet 3.0 API then you can just use builtin facilities starting with HttpServletRequest#getParts . See also this answer..
How to register some URL namespace (myapp://app.start/) for accessing your program by calling a URL in browser in Android OS? int So the way to do this is to use the normal facilities to describe an in your manifest for the kinds of intents you..
Java remote debugging, how does it work technically? it work technically I really like the remote debugging facilities of the JVM. But I wonder how it works internally. My assumption..
Find number of active sessions created from a given client IP this question The standard Servlet API doesn't offer facilities for that. Best what you can do is to maintain a Map HttpSession..
I don't understand file locking and therefore unspecified. The native file locking facilities of some systems are merely advisory meaning that programs must..
What is the difference between an int and an Integer in Java and C#? scope of this question but to summarize Objects provide facilities for polymorphism are passed by reference or more accurately..
How to open a command terminal in Linux? provides an interface window for the shell and some other facilities for using the command prompt. To open a terminal window you..
File download using RichFaces JavaScript can't deal with binary responses nor has it any facilities to force a Save As dialogue. You need to make it a normal synchronous..