

java Programming Glossary: faces

Face detection in java


server offline processing. All I need to know is are there faces in the photo If yes what are the coordinates of their bounding..

Java EE 6 @javax.annotation.ManagedBean vs. @javax.inject.Named vs. @javax.faces.ManagedBean


vs. @javax.inject.Named vs. @javax.faces.ManagedBean I feel there is a little mess in the Java EE 6.. and @SessionScoped @RequestScoped annotations in javax.faces.bean package. And to make things event more complicated there.. than CDI beans. They can be defined using the @javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean annotation which takes an optional name parameter...

JSF Service Layer


any JSF dependencies. So any in direct imports of javax.faces. in the service layer code indicates bad design. You should.. lines in the backing bean it's usually code which adds a faces message depending on the service call result . This way the..

JSF 1.2 Exception Handling


by writing a listener and registering the listener in faces config.xml . But i am facing problems in catching unexpected.. name Faces Servlet servlet name servlet class javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet servlet class load on startup 1 load on.. servlet name Faces Servlet servlet name url pattern .faces url pattern servlet mapping servlet mapping servlet name Faces..

Authorization redirect on session expiration does not work on submitting a JSF form, page stays the same


the same I am using JSF2. I have implemented a custom faces servlet like so public class MyFacesServletWrapper extends MyFacesServlet.. if ... String loginURL req.getContextPath LoginPage.faces res.sendRedirect loginURL This works when the user tries to.. a filter should do @WebFilter Or @WebFilter servletNames facesServlet public class AuthorizationFilter implements Filter private..

h:inputText return a empty string instead of NULL


be why I couldn't recall it context param param name javax.faces.INTERPRET_EMPTY_STRING_SUBMITTED_VALUES_AS_NULL param name param.. Converter public Object getAsObject FacesContext facesContext UIComponent component String value if value null value.trim.. null return value public String getAsString FacesContext facesContext UIComponent component Object value return value null..

Alternative to ui:fragment in JSF


tag file declaration in Mojarra that's the com sun faces metadata taglib ui.taglib.xml file . The rendered attribute..

How to reference constants in EL?


o importConstants of OmniFaces . html ... xmlns o http omnifaces.org ui o importConstants type com.example.YourConstants This..

Migrating from JSF 1.2 to JSF 2.0


issues in application servers . Update root declaration of faces config.xml to comply JSF 2.0 spec. faces config xmlns http java.sun.com.. declaration of faces config.xml to comply JSF 2.0 spec. faces config xmlns http java.sun.com xml ns javaee xmlns xsi http.. xml ns javaee http java.sun.com xml ns javaee web facesconfig_2_0.xsd version 2.0 Ensure that root declaration of web.xml..

JSF 2.0 File upload


name Faces Servlet servlet name servlet class javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet servlet class load on startup 1 load on.. url pattern .xhtml url pattern servlet mapping web app The faces config.xml must comply JSF 2.0 spec xml version 1.0 encoding.. must comply JSF 2.0 spec xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 faces config xmlns http java.sun.com xml ns javaee xmlns xsi http..

Is there any easy way to preprocess and redirect GET requests?


because I would like to express this behavior in the faces config.xml . Is this possible and how is that called how can.. some Filter bean that also returns a String telling the faces config.xml where to go next I googled for this but only hit.. public void check if someCondition FacesContext facesContext FacesContext.getCurrentInstance NavigationHandler navigationHandler..

ClassCastException when casting to the same class


When I pull the object back out of the session using faces.getApplication .createValueBinding # DynamicBean2 .getValue.. .createValueBinding # DynamicBean2 .getValue faces and check the class of it using .getClass I get dynamicbeans.DynamicBean2...

Understanding JSF as a MVC framework


managed beans is the some kind of message bringer that the Faces Servlet Controller use to invoke the business layer Model and.. but it's already provided by the framework it's the FacesServlet . Especially the last part is frequently not well understood..

JSF 1.2 Exception Handling


service SRVE0014E Uncaught service exception root cause Faces Servlet javax.servlet.ServletException E com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper.. . Exception created java.lang.RuntimeException FacesContext not found My Error Page is in WebContent sc00 ErrorPage.jsp.. it. Many solutions asked me to look at the URL path of Faces Servlet In My web.xml the servlet mapping is a follows servlet..

Authorization redirect on session expiration does not work on submitting a JSF form, page stays the same


implemented a custom faces servlet like so public class MyFacesServletWrapper extends MyFacesServlet ... wherein I'm doing some.. like so public class MyFacesServletWrapper extends MyFacesServlet ... wherein I'm doing some authorization checks and sending.. homegrown servlet and for sure not one which supplants the FacesServlet who is the responsible for all the JSF works. Assuming..

What is the difference between JSF, Servlet and JSP?


of HttpServlet such as doGet and doPost . JSF JavaServer Faces JSF is a component based MVC framework which is built on top.. a MVC Model View Controller framework JSF provides the FacesServlet as the sole request response Controller . It takes all.. the model such as your ASP.NET web control does and the FacesServlet uses the JSF component tree to do all the work. Related..

Concatenate strings in JSF/JSP EL and Javascript


.show throws SEVERE Servlet.service for servlet Faces Servlet threw exception org.apache.el.parser.ParseException..

What is the main-stream Java alternative to ASP.NET / PHP


. To start the Java EE API provides JSF JavaServer Faces for this which in turn comes along with XHTML based templated..

Where's the official JSP tutorial


used as the presentation technology for JavaServer Faces does not support all the new features available in JavaServer.. not support all the new features available in JavaServer Faces 2.0. JSP technology is considered to be a deprecated presentation.. to be a deprecated presentation technology for JavaServer Faces 2.0. Facelets is a part of the JavaServer Faces specification..

JSF 2.0 File upload


name Your Project Name display name servlet servlet name Faces Servlet servlet name servlet class javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.. Servlet servlet name servlet class javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet servlet class load on startup 1 load on startup servlet.. 1 load on startup servlet servlet mapping servlet name Faces Servlet servlet name url pattern .xhtml url pattern servlet..

Typing Chinese with PrimeFaces' <p:editor> component


Chinese with PrimeFaces' p editor component When I was still using PrimeFaces v2.2.1.. p editor component When I was still using PrimeFaces v2.2.1 I was able to type Chinese with and save the content.. content into a .html file. However when I updated to PrimeFaces v3.1.1 if I type Chinese on the editor and try to save the content..