java Programming Glossary: f.setsize
JList with categories f.getContentPane .add new JScrollPane test.getComponent f.setSize 360 500 f.setLocation 200 100 f.setVisible true class ActionPanel..
How to UnFocus a JTextField f.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE f.setSize 400 300 f.setResizable false f.setLocationByPlatform true f.setVisible..
How to smoothen scrolling of JFrame in Java true f.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE f.setSize 1200 500 panelx new DiaPanel panelx.setOpaque true panelx.setBackground.. JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE f.add scroll f.pack f.setSize 800 600 f.setLocationByPlatform true f.setVisible true t.start..
Drawing a Component to BufferedImage causes display corruption case you should still pack the enclosing Window . f.pack f.setSize 300 200 For convenience add forwards the component to the content..
non resizable window border and positioning label.getFontMetrics label.getFont s int h f.getHeight f.setSize w h f.setResizable false f.setLocationRelativeTo null f.setVisible..
how to add checkbox and combobox in table cell? f.getContentPane .add new ComboCellInsetsDemo .makeUI f.setSize 320 240 f.setLocationRelativeTo null f.setVisible true class..
Java Bouncing Ball f.getContentPane .add ball1 f.getContentPane .add ball2 f.setSize 400 400 f.setLocation 200 200 f.setVisible true new Thread ball1..
JTree: Set custom open/closed icons for individual groups Color.white createTree pnlMain f.setContentPane pnlMain f.setSize 300 200 f.setVisible true private static void createTree JPanel..
simulate backspace key with java.awt.Robot ActionEvent e b.setText @ e.getWhen f.add b f.setSize 256 128 f.setVisible true doTest private void doTest try Robot..
JPanel in puzzle game not updating f.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE f.add this f.setSize 252 252 f.setVisible true setLayout new GridLayout 4 4 images..
Problems with newline in Graphics2D.drawString JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE f.add new TestComponent f.setSize 220 220 f.setVisible true which gives the following result..
Bringing JFileChooser on top of all windows f.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE f.pack f.setSize new Dimension 640 480 f.setLocationRelativeTo null f.setVisible..
MouseListener Help Java JFrame f new JFrame f.setTitle ColorGrid Display Window f.setSize 200 200 f.addWindowListener new WindowAdapter public void windowClosing..
How to calculate the number of rows (and columns in each row) a text takes in a JTextArea? 5 ta.setColumns 5 p.add ta f.setContentPane p f.setSize 400 300 f.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE f.setVisible.. true ta.setLineWrap true p.add ta f.setContentPane p f.setSize 200 100 f.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE f.setVisible..
How to correct/center GridLayout using standard Java layout managers? @Override public void run JFrame f new JFrame f.setSize 800 600 double CONSTANT_FACTOR .1 int noOfRows 5 JPanel centerP..
Painting the slider icon of JSlider WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE f.getContentPane .add makeUI f.setSize 320 240 f.setLocationRelativeTo null f.setVisible true public..
List of useful environment settings in Java f.pack f.setMinimumSize f.getPreferredSize f.setSize 600 500 f.setLocationRelativeTo null f.setVisible true class..
How can I fix this code so I can add this JFreeChart to a panel dtp new JDesktopPane dtp.add jif f.add dtp f.pack f.setSize 700 500 f.setLocationRelativeTo null f.setVisible true public..