java Programming Glossary: factories
Customizing Tree.collapsedIcon for a single JTree when constructing each tree. In the example below static factories provide the required Icon pair. The example borrows two icons..
Java, convert lat/lon to UTM null ReferencingFactoryContainer factories new ReferencingFactoryContainer null GeographicCRS geoCRS name WGS 84 UTM Zone zoneNumber ProjectedCRS projCRS factories.createProjectedCRS properties geoCRS null parameters cartCS..
Java RMI + SSL + Compression = IMPOSSIBLE! wrapping another one. We are dealing here with RMI socket factories i.e. RMIClientSocketFactory RMIServerSocketFactory RMISocketFactory.. JSch's SocketFactory . Often the idea of these factories is that they somehow connect to another server than the original.. has separate interfaces for the client and server socket factories. The client socket factories will be serialized and passed from..
How to achieve conditional resource import in a Spring XML context?
Spring session-scoped beans (controllers) and references to services, in terms of serialization with references to transaction mangers entity manager factories etc. It is not unlikely that some service or even controller..
Are there best practices for (Java) package organisation? structuring IMO avoid separate packaging for exceptions factories etc. unless there's a pressing need. If your project is small..
Multiple Entity Manager issue in Spring when using more than one datasource the same exact issue but with multiple Hibernate session factories 2 DBs with the same structure I didn't want to have 2 identical..
What is the use of package level protection in java? API. Commonly you would define your interfaces and core factories as public and the internal implementations as package level... internal implementations as package level. Then the public factories can construct the package level implementation classes and return..
When should EntityManagerFactory instance be created/opened? period of time than to repeatedly create and close new factories. Thus most applications will never close the factory or only.. is exiting. Only applications that require multiple factories with different configurations have an obvious reason to create..
Replacing unicode punctuation with ASCII approximations
Is there a commonly used rational numbers library in Java? . In additional to the usual factories accessors and operations one can construct other useful entities..
In simplest terms, what is a factory? different DB. That's the power of interfaces and abstract factories. See also How exactly do Class#forName and DriverManager#getConnection..
How does the Netty threading model work in the case of many client connections? .write SUCCESS It also shows how different pipeline factories can be set for different connections so based on the connection..