java Programming Glossary: f.get
How do I read a private field in Java? f.setAccessible true Hashtable iWantThis Hashtable f.get obj IllegalAccessException EDIT as has been commented by aperkins.. the field on an object not of the field's class's type f.get BOB will throw IllegalArgumentException as String is of the..
Arrays.asList() of an array ArrayList Arrays.asList factors Collections.sort f return f.get 0 f.get f.size 1 I made this after reading the solution found.. Arrays.asList factors Collections.sort f return f.get 0 f.get f.size 1 I made this after reading the solution found in How..
Java executors: wait for task termination. blocks until ALL tasks submitted to executor complete f.get If you have Runnable s instead of Callable s you can easily..
Get subprocess id in Java
inter thread communication in java task1 exec.submit new Runnable @Override public void run f.get do stuff The second task won't execute until the first completes...
Return values from Java Threads 10 TimeUnit.SECONDS for Future User f results User user f.get Add user to batch update. ... Commit batch. ... share improve..
Graceful shutdown of threads and executor i try Future Long f comp.take long name try name f.get LOGGER.debug name got completed catch ExecutionException e..
How to set a timer in java public void run Database task Future f service.submit r f.get 2 TimeUnit.MINUTES attempt the task for two minutes catch final..
How could I read Java Console Output into a String buffer out f.setAccessible true OutputStream psout OutputStream f.get toLog return new LoggedPrintStream sb new FilterOutputStream..
Changing private final fields via reflection new WithPrivateFinalField System.out.println pf Field f pf.getClass .getDeclaredField s f.setAccessible true System.out.println.. s f.setAccessible true System.out.println f.get pf f.get pf f.set pf No you ™re not System.out.println pf System.out.println.. s f.setAccessible true System.out.println f.get pf f.get pf f.set pf No you ™re not System.out.println pf System.out.println..
Java tool/method to force-kill a child process true int pid Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetProcessId Long f.get p return pid catch Exception ex Logger.getLogger Main.class.getName.. pid f.setAccessible true int pid Integer f.get p return pid catch Exception ex Logger.getLogger Main.class.getName..
How to get SQL from Hibernate Criteria API (*not* for logging) sql f.setAccessible true String sql String f.get loader Wrap the entire thing in a try catch and use at your..
Accessing Java static final ivar value through reflection f.setAccessible true System.out.println f.getName f.get null Output CONST_INT 100 CONST_STRING String CONST_OBJECT.. f.setAccessible true System.out.println f.getName f.get null Output CONST_INT 100 CONST_STRING String CONST_OBJECT..
Java Swing issue - Using color palette .getDeclaredFields for Field f field String colorName f.getName Class t f.getType System.out.println f.getType check.. for Field f field String colorName f.getName Class t f.getType System.out.println f.getType check only for constants.. colorName f.getName Class t f.getType System.out.println f.getType check only for constants public static final Color if..